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I'm late again.

It wasn't the first time Kiyotaka Ishimaru had been late to class, being known as the SHSL Hall Monitor has its expectations and being late for class wasnt one of them.

"How could I have slipped up again?? This can't keep happening!" He thought speed walking into the classroom. Kiyotaka was very hard on himself, neglecting his basic needs and putting forward his academics was what he thought was expected of him as THE Moral Compass. Regardless, he was still put together in a neat fashion and was always polite to his peers so there were never any issues.

Unsurprisingly no one particularly noticed his short awaited absence. Every head lowered down working on what appeared to be their next science assignment.
Every head lowered but one.

Mondo Owada, notorious for being the rebellious misfit of Hopes Peak was seen sleeping. Everyone knew very well Mondo was a force to be reckoned with, so no one bothered waking him up.

That being said, it should be noted Kiyotaka and Mondo were together. The class knew about their odd bond as friends but when it came to their attention it was something much more they were very accepting. Especially their best friends, Chihiro and Leon.

Kiyotaka quickly took his seat. Pulling out his textbook and getting to his usual work. However he was getting very distracted by his now boyfriend across the room sleeping with his head tilted up pretty obnoxiously. Taka didn't think it was obnoxious but it looked rather cute to his eyes. Blush forming on his cheeks he glanced at the clock only to realize half the class period had flown by.

"Hey lover boy, why dontcha start worrying about your assignment instead of staring at your weird haired boyfriend?!" Leon chuckled from the seat behind Taka. Leon always meant well but sometimes his jokes were a little too much for the sensitive hall monitor.

"Ah you're right Leon, I apologize for wasting time." Taka whispered, his pointer finger pressed to his lips to signify silence.

Before he knew it the entire period seemed to fly by, Taka still managed to complete his assignment with only half the class time. Another duty he thought was fit for being a Moral Compass. Now was time for lunch. Taka always packed his own but would stand around the cafeteria waiting for his friends to pay for their food at the stands. Today the four decided to sit outside.

Taka liked his friend group, there was Chihiro who was usually quiet around others but around his friends he was very opinionated and enjoyed ranting about the latest technology on the market. Leon was much more of the opposite in fact, very loud and obnoxious to others but once you get to know the guy he's enjoyable for the most part. Usually talking about his favorite bands and how much they inspire him which is something you don't really expect from someone known as the SHSL Baseball Star.

Then there was Mondo, Taka has always been close to him since they started at Hopes Peak. He always made Taka smile when he was at his lowest. He was never afraid to vent to Mondo about the pressures of having to be so perfect all the time as a hall monitor. Sometimes it would get to the point of tears. Normally Mondo would envelope him in a massive hug.

"Hey, it's ok to cry. I'm hear, I've got you. You don't have to be all perfect around me. I love you for being you and it's ok to open up. I'll always be here for you Taka, you know that right?" Is what he would say most of the time or something similar. Those words made Taka feel comfort which isn't something he had felt very often. Taka was bullied as a kid for his grandfathers scandal, it made him have very bad trust issues not being able to have someone to talk to. But at Hopes Peak he had met so many good people, people who cared for him and he cared for back. He was much happier being with them. But the pressure was always there.

"Hey! Guys I found a spot over here!" Chihiro waved, standing under a beautiful cherry blossom tree. The others under the tree included Aoi, Sakura, and Sayaka. Taka sooned joined them after waiting for Mondo and Leon getting their lunches.

The group chatted for about an hour, Sayaka admiring the gorgeous scenery was mentioning how beautiful everyone looked while sitting under it.

"You two do look really cute together sitting out here!" She giggled, Leon laughing along.

"Eh? Really? I mean don't we always look cute together?" Mondo chuckled placing his arm around Taka. Covering his face with blush Taka just gave a small smile.

Sakura and Aoi (who were also a couple) would always make flower crowns for each other and today they decided to gift everyone with their own.

"Me and Sakura decided it would be nice to bring some flower crowns for everyone to wear today!!" Aoi said enthusiastically as always, donut in hand.

"That's so nice of you two! Thank you!" Chihiro replied being handed one made of yellow daffodils.

Sakura handed Taka one made of lilacs and Mondo one made of white daisies.

"You look adorable you know that?" Taka mentioned, placing his crown on. The two embraced in a short lived hug and continued eating their lunch while the rest of the gang were all admiring each other's crowns.

The day soon came to an end after all their classes were complete. Taka never learned how to drive as it seemed not needed for his duties as a student. He always rode home with Mondo on the back of his motorcycle and today was no different. Placing the flower crowns in their bags the two rode off down the rode.

The couple planned to study a bit at Takas House that night, they occasionally had study dates and it became the norm at Takas house so he never really bothered his father asking anymore especially since he was busy with work most of the time and was never home that often.

The pair pulled up to the drive way and quickly walked into the house. Takas house was small but so was Mondos so he never really minded. Takas room was always clean, no clothes or trash laying around anywhere unlike his significant others room at home.

Mondo usually sat on the edge of Takas bed when studying and Taka was at his desk. His room was naturally small similar to the interior of the house and because of that his desk and bed were within talking distance apart.

"...and that about wraps up history. One last question though! What country was developed during the Heian Era?" Taka read enthusiastically.

"Uhh... I dunno, wasn't it Japan?" Mondo responded slowly making sure he was somewhat correct.

"Yes! You're correct! Good job, that about wraps up everything. Taka said.

"Hey so why were you late to class earlier today? I've noticed it happening a lot recently. You doing okay?" Mondo questioned out of the blue. A hint of worry in his voice.

"Yeah of course! I'm doing just fine! No need to worry bro." Taka responded obvious lie in his phrase.

(Alright I'm done writing for today i doubt anyone's gonna read my stuff but I'll update later today)

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