This Didnt Turn Out So Bad After All

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Y'all better appreciate how much I watered this down.

The original plot was that Harley slowly watched MJ and peter fall in love, get hanahaki then die but I figured I should lay off the Harley killing for a while

I cringe at Harley thinking he's straight not even gonna lie. When Harley ends up me a gun slingin' republican that's borderline homophobic with a buckle bunny gf I'm actually going to cry.


Kinda based off the song heather but not really

Trigger warning: Homophobia and use of the f-slur (as I am a queer I feel entitled to use it) homophobic aunt May. (Also like Peter gets slapped)

Peter POV

~ Flash Back~

"That movie ending was so predicable," I shouted, laughing.

Harley and I walked to the theater to see some new movie. I didn't really care much about it, for me it was just about doing something that Harley enjoyed.

"Yeah, but still! The plot was good," Harley tried to argue.

I remember being captivated by the way those snowflakes rested in his hair, giving him a soft, white crown. He looked like a prince, regal and put together. The softness if his eyes contrasted the coldness of the snow, but they worked together, framing his face perfectly.

"No, it wasn't. That's what made the movie predictable," I laughed even harder. I never pegged Harley for liking cheesy movies, but life tends to surprise you sometimes.

"Oh come on," Harley pouted, "it was at least a little good, admit it."

"Hmmm, Nah," I shrugged.

"Ya just lack taste," Harley fired at me.

I was about to refute his point, but a violent shiver cut me off.

"Oh shit, if you where cold ya should have said somethin'. Here," Harley scolded me, but held out his sweater.

"Oh no, I'll be fine-,"

I was cut off from protesting by Harley literally putting it over my head.

"Ack- ok ok jeez, I'm wearing it," I surrendered, putting the hoodie on the rest of the way. "See, look it's all the way on, you happy?"

"Very," He said; smiling his signature smile.

I don't know if it was the coolness of the night, or the way the lights reflected around him perfectly, but all of a sudden the last piece of the puzzle clicked.

I didn't just see Harley as a friend. I wanted him in that way.

Which was terrifying.

I've known I've liked guys for a while, but it was more like 30% guys 70% women. This is my first time ever romanticlly into a guy.

Not only that, but this "guy" is Harley.

That made it even scarier.

"Are ya doin' alright? Ya seem out of it," Harley sounded concerned.

"U-uh, yeah, I just think I....might be getting sick! Yep, not feeling ok in the noggin," I inwardly cringed, but can you blame me for freaking out.

Peter Parker Field Trip Tropes and Parley Shenanigansحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن