Its a Small World Pt 2

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Enjoy, sorry for the bad quality I'm tired.

And thank y'all for 2k!!!!
Harley POV

Hello New York, long time no see. Peter and I have been dating for 9 months. In that time he managed to come down and visit me twice (Once three months after we started dating and the other time six). That being said I still miss him like hell. So when the old man offered me a chance to move up here I jumped at the opportunity. It was hard, but when my sister and mother gave me their blessing, I told him yes almost as soon as he sent it. He wants me to work with his other personal intern. Something about the company blah blah blah. I just want to see Peter. I was going to surprise him at school, he doesn't know about the job. But Tony said I couldn't leave until I met his intern.

I looked around and saw a man holding a sign that said "Keener" on it. I walked over  to him.

"You Harley?" He asked.

"Naw, I'm a hobo who wants drug money,"

"Its defentalty him," My eyes slightly widen as tony rolls down the window, "Get in kid, we have stuff to do,"

I roll my eyes playfully and get in the car. The old man gave me a once over and chuckle.

"Man, working in those factories gave you some muscle kid,"

"That and football, yeah,"

"Ooh, Ladies must be all over you," He said wiggling his eyebrows. I shake my head.

"I have a boyfriend, today is our nine month anniversary actually,"

Tony's eyes widened.

"You left him on your anniversary!?"

"No, he lives in New york, he was a big reason I accepted the job transfer,"

"What's his name?"

"None of your concern,"

He just shrugged.

"I'll find out soon enough,"

I just shook my head.

"Hey what time do I get off today?"

Hmm," He thought for a moment as Happy pulled into McDonalds and ordered. "I want you to meet the person you'll be working with, so after that. Around 4 or 5,"

I nod my head as Happy hands back two drinks and a bag,

"What's this interns name anyway?" I ask, taking a sip of my soda. I don't really care about the intern but I wanna do a background check.

"Peter Parker,"

I choke on my soda, luckily Happy hit a bump in the road at the same time so I could play it off. But that certainly complicates things.

"..He gets out of school at three, he wasn't supposed to work today, but I asked him to come in,"

I nod, I knew he interned for stark because of Spiderman, but I didn't think he was Tony's personal intern.

"You'll like him, trust me,"

I let out a laugh.

"Im sure I will,"


By the time the Old man showed me everything It was 3:10 and Peter had just entered the tower. I grabbed his gift out of my suitcase. Two 18k gold promise rings, I really hope he likes them....If he doesn't kill me first. Tony must have noticed me fidgeting slightly.

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