"Great, I'm heading over to the apartment now actually,"

I watched the street names and quickly left the bus when I saw my street. I walked into the large apartment building, I walked to the front desk and ringed the bell, earning a groan.

"I see you. You don't have to ring it," The landlord hissed, he looked down at me, and his scowl changed to a smirk.

"Oh it's you," He said, "Came for the key?"

"Yes!" I said, bouncing on the balls of my feet. He chuckled. He grabbed a room key, hanging on a key rack behind the desk.

"Room six," He said, dangling the keys in front of my face, "Don't forget to pay on time, I'd hate to have to evict you,"

"You don't have to worry about that," A male voice growled, making both me and the landlord jump. I turn to get a look at the owner of the voice. He was tall and massive. He looked like a bodybuilder. He had dirty blonde hair that was cut short and mutton chops. He was wearing a black dress shirt that was tight around his bulging muscles. His gray eyes seemed to shine and gleam as the sun shined in his face through a dusty window. He had four large suitcases, one under his arm and others by his feet.

"Victor?" I asked looking at him in shock. He grinned, showing fangs. I let out a small squeak, not expecting them.

"Guilty," His voice was low and husky, I felt a tight knot in my stomach. He grabbed the key from the landlords and checked the number.

"Come on, let go to our apartment,"

The way he said it made my legs feel like jelly. Our apartment. Why was I feeling like this? I just met him in person. I look at the landlord, who looked like he saw a ghost. I shrugged it off and ran after Victor, pulling my bags behind me. He easily opened the door with one hand, still holding his suitcase. He held the door open and waited. It took me a bit to realize he was holding it open for me.

"Oh thanks," I walk into the apartment. I whistled, no wonder it was so much money. The places were pretty big, bigger than most apartments. It looked empty, there were no chairs or couches. I hope there are beds.

"What do you think about leather?"

"Wha-?" I stammered, confused. He chuckled.

"Leather couch?" he pointed at an empty area in the living room. I let out an embarrassed laugh.

"I don't care as long as long as it's comfortable." I smile. He nods and looks around, putting his bags on the floor. He was looking around and soon strolled into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and snickered. He pulled out two champagne bottles.

"How about a toast?"

"Oh, I've never had alcohol before," I blush. Victor had a look of disbelief on his face.

"You're kidding," I felt nervous in his gaze. I was never allowed to have alcohol, and it could not mix well with my pills.

"Nope," I say. A loud pop made me jump. Foam dripped from the bottle. He tore open the cupboards. He found two champagne glasses and put them on the counter. He poured two cups of bubbly yellow liquid. He waved me over to the kitchen and handed me a glass.

"Cheers," He clinked his glass to mine and brought it to his lips. I followed along and took a big drink. I gag at the taste and spit back into the cup. Victor laughed, he already finished his glass. I put my cup back on the counter, making a disgusted face.

"Hey, you should go pick a room," Victor said, "I'll let you get the first pick,"

"Hah, your gonna regret that," I laughed. I walked over to the bedrooms. There were two close to each other, I hope the walls aren't paper-thin. I open the left door first, this must be the master bedroom. I lay my bags on the large bed, It had a connected bathroom between both rooms. Great, first downside. I check the other room, it just looked the same. I leave the room and walk to Victor, who was washing both cups.

"Oh I could have clean my own cup," I felt bad making him clean my cup, but he waved it off.

"You pick a room?" He asked ignoring my comment. He turned off the sink and dried his hands on a rag.

"Yeah, left door." I nod, "Oh, the bathroom is connected to both rooms,"

"Really?" He said. I nod.

"Yeah, and there's no way to lock the doors, so walking in on each other is gonna be a problem." He nodded slowly, his silver eyes seemed locked on me.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out," The way he said it made me shiver. I mentally facepalm. I can't keep gushing over the first guy I met other than my dad. Hes just talking. 

     "Im gonna start unpacking," I say, "After we should go get some furniture," 

    He nodded, watching me leave the kitchen. I gaze over the empty living room. This could be a home. 

Is this wrong? It feels wrong. My lips rubbed softly over the glass where she put her own lips. It tastes sweet. Her scent was driving me crazy. My fangs clinked onto the glass as I lift the glass to let the gold drink pour into my mouth. It felt like an energy shot, my blood itched for more. I need to get my mind of this quickly and hide the evidence. I quickly washed the cups, trying to ignore the heat that wouldn't stop growing in his lower stomach.  

Victor Creed X Non-mutant Mate.Where stories live. Discover now