Man of the Future - Episode 9

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James and Isabella reach the building and enter the elevator. "So, we're official. Will we tell Sophie and Archie... if he comes back?" James questions her as the elevator goes down. "Perhaps. Don't see why it should have to be a secret." Isabella replies and the elevator reaches the bottom. "Anyway..." James says as they exit and reach Sophie. She shows them the alien object she found in Torchwood. "I just found it here under the alien junk pile, however it hasn't been registered. There's no information on it and I've not seen it here before. Me and Millie would've checked through the alien weapons, artifacts and other objects under Archie's order, but this... this I know for sure we haven't seen or used." Sophie explains to them and shows them the object.

It's some kind of alien rock, which varies different colours. It has a place where someone could place their hands on either side of it; the main colours are brown, black, purple and green. "I just don't know what it could be." Sophie says as she shows them. "Maybe we ought to check with Archie. Do you think he'd still have the same number?" James suggests and Isabella rings him on her mobile.

At the shack, Rex notices that Archie's phone is ringing. He picks it up and answers it, without acknowledging whom it could be. "Hello?" Rex answers the phone. "Oh, hey Rex. Why didn't Archie answer it?" Isabella questions him. "He's asleep. So is everyone else and I was pissed bored. Anyway, what's the matter?" Rex replies and sits back in the chair. "We need Archie. It physically cannot be anyone else." Isabella explains to him and Rex tries to wake up Archie.

"Archie! Archie, man get up!" Rex attempts to wake him. He pours himself a fresh glass of cold water pours it over Archie's head. "What!" Archie exclaims as he wakes up. This also wakes up Jack in the process. "What's going on?" Jack asks rubbing his head, as he is having a hangover. "I don't know, those guys at Torchwood in Glasgow want Archie." Rex explains to them and he passes the phone over to Archie. "What?" Archie states as he is handed the phone. "Isabella, could you pass it to me?" James questions her and she allows him and proceeds to let James talk to Archie. "Archie, my friend, erm... Sophie has stumbled across some strange alien rock. And we don't know what it is and on top of that, it hasn't been registered." James explains the situation to him. "Don't you remember?" Archie quizzes James. "What... no?" He replies. Isabella takes it and places her hand on either side of the rock. It makes a fizzing noise and she and the rock miraculously disappear!

"Isabella!" James exclaims as she disappears. "James, if you can't remember, remember! You need to save her!" Archie orders him down the phone. "Good luck." Archie adds and hangs up on him. "What!? What!?" James questions rhetorically to himself about everything that just happened. "What happened? What did he say?" Sophie quizzes James as he taps his head and tries to think. "I remember. I remember. I never forgot. I'm a physicist, I should know what to do. How does she come back?" James rants to himself. Sophie seems exceedingly confused, "What are you on about, James?" She questions him. Isabella spontaneously reappears. "Izzy! Where were you?" James quizzes her on her whereabouts. "I don't know. It wasn't Earth, I know that. What is this thing?" Isabella questions them what's all on their minds. "It arrived when I did. It's the reason we hadn't logged it. They thought I was a threat-" James starts explaining. "What are you talking about?" Sophie cuts him off. "Guys, I have a confession to make: I'm from the future!" James confesses to them.

Gwen wakes up to find Rhys staring at her. "Morning, gorgeous girl." Rhys compliments her. "Morning, love. Anwen alright?" Gwen questions him. "I should hope so. Mary's looking after her." Rhys answers her. "We should do something now that you've decided to not rejoin Torchwood." Rhys suggests. "Oh, will you just let it go Rhys? Can't we just forget all about Torchwood? Like never bring it up again?" Gwen suggests that they should forget about Torchwood. "Can we just forget about it?" Rhys replies. "Actually... Retcon can." Gwen brings up the drug (Retcon) that makes the victim have selective memory loss.

"What do you mean 'You're from the future'?" Sophie questions him, Isabella just stares at him in awe. "I'm originally from the year 2073 and I've been sent back to protect certain people and make sure things don't happen earlier than they should for different years. The latest was 2010 and I joined Torchwood, I was in Torchwood in 2073 as well. But I stayed. I mainly stayed for you: Isabella. I didn't need to go back too much more, so I stayed. We can't use that device, we can't travel to other worlds just yet, so I explained it to Archie and we had to keep it a secret." James explains everything to the two girls. "You're from the future." Isabella says in shock. "Yes." James admits. "You're from the future." Isabella says once more, tearing up. "Why didn't you tell us?!" She shouts at him. "Because I was meant to go, I'm still meant to go and I just didn't want to spring it up on you guys." James answers. "Are you going back?" Sophie questions him. "No. At least I don't intend to." James replies. "So we just continue with our lives, but knowing this happened." Sophie suggests. "I suppose." James answers. "What happens to us? You're from the future, so do you know how we all die? Did you know about Millie and Bruce?" Isabella quizzes him.

Back in the shack, Martha and Mickey finally wake up. "Jesus! Did we fall asleep on the job?" Mickey asks. "It appears so. We didn't find anything, did we?" Martha questions him. He shakes his head in negative response. Rex wanders in. "I wondered when you were gonna wake up. Find anything new?" Rex asks what Mickey already asked. "No. We didn't." Martha answers him. Jack walks in as well. "Could I ever go back into that thing?" Jack questions them. "Maybe. When we're finished with this, we'll see. However, for the time being I don't think we could." Martha answers him. "Fine." Jack replies. "That seems have really damaged him." Mickey states. "He's immortal. He lives with his sins forever." Rex answers him.

"I can't change the past, only help it work how it's supposed to." James explains to them. "So you knew. And you know how we die!" Isabella confirms. "I do, I do. But I can't, I shouldn't tell you. Please, stop this." James pleads her. "I love you and you love me. So please, let's just stop this arguing." James continues to plead his girlfriend. "In addition to that, you could've picked up any diseases when you went to that planet." James brings up the thought that she could be infected. "What? Wha-- I... I feel fine." Isabella replies feeling worried. "You can't know that, we'll have to check you. In the meantime, we're going to have to put you into quarantine." James advises her. "Why? No!" Isabella replies harshly. "I'm not going into quarantine. You won't fucking put me anywhere, Goddammit!" Isabella proclaims and storms towards the elevator. "Isabella, you're thinking rationally. Just stay down here, locked away." James suggests. "Fine!" She exclaims back and walks into a room, isolated.

"You sure about this, James?" Sophie questions him. "Better safe than sorry, right?" James answers. "No, but, this is a huge revelation, man. And now you're locking away Isabella." Sophie states. "I know, but still. We've got to be safe. And I don't know how safe she is. It's sad, yes, but still... she has stay in here." James explains why she may have to be in quarantine, despite the two of them are most likely exposed.


Torchwood - Series 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora