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I feel
like a disappointment.
No matter what I do
or how hard I try,
it's like nothing I ever do or say or think is right in everyone else's eyes.

I keep wishing I could just
make everything go away,
even though I know that that's not the answer
and never will be.

I don't know why all of this is so hard for me.
Maybe it's because
everyone else had this struggle earlier,
and I've been shoving everything aside for so long
that it's making it
so incredibly painful
to sort through now.

Who am I kidding?
I'm just an immature kid
who can't handle their own emotions
and overreacts to everything.

I've realized
as I've gotten older
that nothing will ever truly get better
and I'm never going to fully understand everything,
that the world is full of darkness
and pain.
But the problem is,
there's only so many ways
to cope with everything.

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