9: Public School Experiences

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Enjoy that picture of my sister and my cat who only had one eye.

I go to public school. That's all. Let's go.

1. A student in high school took a shit in the stairway. He did this TWICE. He was never caught.

2. We had off for an entire 2 weeks in my public school district and had to completely shut down one of the elementary schools for the year because we had really bad mold. This was known as "mold week" and caused chaos for the rest of the school year.

3. A girl with mental issues that never got treated slit her wrists and ran down hallways, wiping blood all over the walls as a police man tried to chase her down. This was right outside the classroom I was in and nobody even knew what was happening, only that there was yelling. They cleaned it off the walls and ground before they let out classes but the floor was still a little wet and the walls had been stained a little.

4. During an assembly of my entire grade, the faculty showed us a YouTube video about bullying. They had auto-play on and a video afterwards began to play of two cartoon goats aggressively fucking each other.

5. I had to make up state testing because my dad died when I was supposed to take it. When I finished the testing on one of the days, I went to my math class where there was only about 10 minutes left. The teacher saw me sit down and not do any work, as I was never handed a worksheet and usually didn't do work when I came back anyways. He proceeded on this specific day to go on for five minutes straight in front of the whole class, of which were all staring at both me and him, about how I was useless and a waste of space. The school didn't really care about this when my friend told them. The same friend confronted the teacher after class (lunch) and told him about how he KNOWS my situation and KNOWS that there was only 10 minutes left and that I wasn't even there to learn anything to do worksheets and stuff and how he KNOWS how shy and anxious I am. I remember leaving his classroom crying. Halfway through lunch he called me to his classroom and tried to apologize. He put his hand on my shoulder and everything. Fucking bitch I hope he chokes.

6. My friend overheard a conversation between the vice principal and a REALLY creepy 8th grade teacher saying that it was okay to stare at student inappropriately as long as you didn't touch. He got reported by at least 10-20 students every year and never got affected. 2 years later, (earlier this year), he got fired for bringing a 13 year old girl into a science class supply room alone, where he rubbed and grabbed her breasts as she begged him to stop and then threatened to fail her if she told anybody. She thankfully told her mom and guidance counselor and the teacher admitted to it and is now in jail. Ugly fat fuck.

7. One time there were 8 fights in one day in one grade alone.

8. A principal from one of the elementary schools lifted an autistic 2nd grader up by the hood of his zipped up jacket and walked off the bus with him while the kid was choking and swinging his legs, which weren't touching the ground. He didn't get fired, as expected.

9. A girl once pissed in the class room's trashcan infront of everybody because the teacher refused to let her go to the bathroom. Actually I can't even say once, this happened every year and both my aunt and female cousin admit to doing this as well in their school years lmao. And my sister did too. She once even threatened to take a shit on a teacher's desk before he let her go lmao.

10. In 3rd grade, a girl threw a desk at a pregnant teacher she hated. She later moved to another elementary school in the district became my bestfriend lmao.

11. A student one time made a kill list. He had access to a gun that his parents didn't know about and was planning to shoot them. He was in elementary school...

12. There's a hallway no one goes in because someone "died" there and lockers legit sometimes open even though they have locks on them and they aren't assigned to anyone, as well as lights flicker in the hallway despite how they are constantly being fixed. A lot of stuff happens in that hallway. We just don't talk about it.

Anyways those are just a handful of public school experiences and I still have 3 years left. So yeah.

Thank you

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