Chapter 24

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Katie's POV
*4 days later*

So after the night of the sleepover, Jace and I made official plans for our first date. Lunch at Starbucks. Kind of basic, I know. But we had a pretty good time there the first time we went, so we decided to make it a repeat, only official this time.

I told my dad about the two of us yesterday. He was fine with it, thankfully! That's why while he was driving Jace and I to the mall today, I had made the decision to sit in the front, with Jace in the back. You know, to respect my dad and whatnot.

My dad drops us off in front of the doors. Jace and I walk in together, he has his arm around me. I follow him to Starbucks, and we stand in line.

There's two kids standing in front of us, a boy and a girl. The boy turns around, and notices Jace.
"Hey Hailey, isn't that the guy you're always talking about?" He says, nudging the girl, who I guess is his sister. The boy is maybe 6 or 7.
"Shhh, Luke!" The girl turns around, her eyes widen when she sees Jace, her cheeks flush pink. I smile at her.
"Hi. Is that your brother?" I ask.
"Yeah." She says shyly.
"He seems pretty cool." Jace says, grinning.
"Umm yeah." The girl bites her lip. "Are you Jace Norman?" She asks.
"That's me." Jace replies, grinning.
"I really don't want to be like annoying or anything, but could I get a pic?" The girl, Hailey, asks.
"Absolutely!" Jace says, taking the girls phone. They take a quick selfie, and he hands her back the phone.
"Thank you so much!" Hailey says. She then turns around and grabs her drink. I watch as she walks away with her brother.

I turn to look at Jace.
"You're so sweet." I smile.
"Shut up." Jace smiles, his cheeks flush red. I lean my head against his shoulder. We order what we want, and stand there waiting for a few minutes. Our drinks come, and we walk away from the store. I'm still leaning on Jace, when he nudges me.
"Better stand up." He whispers. I look at him quizzically, before following his gaze to where Hailey was staring at the two of us suspiciously.

"Maybe we should split up." I say worriedly. He looks at me, concerned.
"You sure?" He asks.
"Yeah, I don't need people to on hate me because one girl gets suspicious." I say. "My brother's mean to me enough." I grin, jokingly. Jace smiles.
"Alright, I'll meet you here in like half an hour." He says. I nod.

We make a big show of going our separate ways, I give him a hug and wave, and he waves back. We try to make it look as friendly as possible, without pushing a 'relationship' vibe. I turn around and leave, walking towards the movie theatre. Then, I get an idea. I call Jace.

"Katie? Something wrong?" Jace asks, sounding concerned.
"No, I just had the best idea though!" I quickly explain my idea.
"That actually might work, it's worth a shot." Jace says.

I text my friends who immediately back me up.

I get a text from Jace saying that Hailey was for sure following him. I figured that she would, which was where my plan came into play.

Ashtyn and Lilian were going to meet me at the movies, and Jace was going to meet one of his friends. We would meet our friends at different times though, me first, so we could sneak in and sit together at the theatre, instead of trying to sneak back to lunch.

Hopefully by Jace going into the theatre, Hailey will be discouraged from following him. I really hope it works. Jace just needs to make sure that she doesn't see what theatre he goes into.

I walk near the theatre entrance, I see Ashtyn and Lilian waiting for me. I walk up and we greet each other. We try to look as inconspicuous as possible, not wanting to attract attention.

We buy tickets and go inside the auditorium where our movie is playing.
Jace texts me to say he's here, and that Hailey is hiding somewhat away from him.

Just then he walks into the theatre and sits down next to me, Sean is with him.

"Hey." I great them quietly. They smile and Jace sits next to me.

The movie starts and we sit back in our seats. Jace puts his arm around me, and I lean against him. I steal a handful of his popcorn.
"Hey!" He hisses, swatting at my hand. I look up to see him grinning at me. I snuggle my head against his chest. And he gently kisses my head.

{A/N: Hey guys sorry for the short update! But I've been super busy writing my other story and with school, plus I've kinda had writers block! I'm also not as into this book as my other one. I'll for sure finish this, but for a sequel, probably not. Anyways, vote and comment and lemme know what you think! 😊}

Coming Home (Jace Norman fanfiction) (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن