Chapter 16

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I open my locker, throwing my lunch and extra school stuff into it. Someone clears their throat behind me. I turn around.
"Hey!" I exclaim, my face breaking into a smile.
"I got you something." Blake says grinning. He hands me a small bag. I open it, and pull out what's inside.
"OMG! How did you know?" I exclaim. It's my favourite chocolate. He winks.
"There's more." I pull out an iTunes gift card.
"Thank you so much!" I say, giving him a hug.
"You're welcome. I figured you might need some cheering up. You seemed pretty down yesterday." he smiles kindly at me. I smile back.
"Yeah I was, but I'm fine now." I say. "You and Jace really cheered me up!" I grin. I swear I see Blake's smile waver for a second.
"Oh. He did huh?" Blake keeps smiling, but I know what I said threw him off.
"Yes, but you did a lot more. Thank you so much for the gift!" I give him another hug. He seems to be happier after I said that.
"No problem." He says, as Lilian and Ashtyn walk up.
"Hey guys!" Lilian says, drawing out the "hey". She looks from Blake to me. Blake starts to blush, but I don't even flinch. It's not a big deal to me.
"Uhh, I need to get to class. Bye!" Blake says, before dashing off.
"What was that about?" Ashtyn asks, with a confused grin on her face.
"Oh, he gave me this." I say, holding up the gift. "Because of what happened yesterday."
"What happened yesterday?" Lilian asks, looking concerned. I feel my face pale, I never told them.
"Uhh.." I stutter. I don't know what to say, I'm actually speechless.
"I knew something was up last night! Spill!" Lilian says, looking at me, frowning a bit. I know I'm going to have to tell. Even if I don't want to bug them with my problems, I'm going to have to assume that they'll be there for me. I'm just about to explain it, when I break down, right there in the hall. I start crying uncontrollably. I've never been more embarrassed in my life.
"Oh my gosh! Katie come here!" Lilian grabs my arm and leads me off somewhere. I know Ashtyn is in the front, actually leading the way. But I can't tell where we're going, thanks to the tears in my eyes. At some point in time, we enter a room. I look up, and realize we're in one of the school's many bathrooms. Thankfully we're alone.
"This is one of the least busiest washrooms in the school." Ashtyn says reassuringly. Lilian hugs me. Ashtyn walks over and wraps her arm around my shoulder.
"Please tell us what's going on. I promise we're only trying to help." Lilian says to me. She stops hugging me, so she can hold me at arms length. I tell them, in between sobs, what happened yesterday. I tell them about Karly, the hate my sister has been getting, everything. I also tell them about texting Jace, and Blake.
"Katie, I am so sorry that happened! I wish you'd told us!" Ashtyn exclaims, hugging me. I know we're probably late for class, but they don't seem to care. We all have first period together, including the boys. What are the chances right?
"We will always be here for you!" Lilian says. Ashtyn nods in agreement. "Are you feeling better now?" Lilian asks, since I've stopped crying. I nod my head.
"Yes, thank you guys so much. I didn't want to bug you with my problems."
"You can always come to us!" Ashtyn assures me. She and Lilian wrap me up in a huge hug.
"Okay. Now that you're feeling better. YOU NEVER TOLD US YOU HAVE JACE'S NUMBER!" Lilian exclaims. I can't help but laugh. I'm still a bit choked up from crying, but I laugh good, and hard. Ashtyn and Lilian giggle.
"Well, we did used to be friends." I say.
"That's still not all the information we're looking for!" Lilian replies, in a sing-songy voice. I giggle.
"Okay, okay. I emailed him when I first moved out here, and he emailed back with his number." Lilian and Ashtyn smile at me.
"And?" Ashtyn looks at me pointedly.
"What?" I ask, smirking. They both look at me, they know I'm holding back. So I come clean, I tell them about how I had crushed on him since before, and how even Karly didn't know. When I'm done, it's 15 minutes into first period. I know they don't seem worried, but I definitely am. I pretend like everything's fine though.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" I say, pulling out the stuff from Jace and Sean.
"What's this?" Lilian asks, confused. Until she reads it. She and Ashtyn look at each other, before squealing like fangirls, cause they are fangirls, same as me.
"Did you read these!" Ashtyn says, almost yelling.
"No, I wanted you guys to read them first." I reply, smiling. "Oh yeah, have you guys been on your personal insta accounts recently?" I ask, grinning mysteriously.
"No. Why!" Lilian says, her mouth dropping open. She whips out her phone, and logs into her insta, same with Ashtyn. They both start shaking, before showing me their phones. Each of them have a notification saying "Sean Ryan Fox (seanryanfox7) has started following you." As well as comments, asking them for their fan accounts.
"I didn't have your fan accounts, so I couldn't give them those ones." I explain.
"You set this up for us?" Ashtyn asks, still looking happily surprised.
"I have more then one fan account!" Lilian exclaims. I laugh at her statement
"That's great, you should put the ones you want." I say to Lilian. "And no, they asked. After I had to explain what I was doing on my Instagram." I say teasingly.
"Oh." Ashtyn says, before breaking into a fit of giggles.
"What did Jace do?" I ask suddenly. I'm having a hard time holding in my excitement.
"I'm looking!" Lilian exclaims. All of a sudden, she drops her phone. Ashtyn, who is still looking through her phone looks up. Both Ashtyn and I look at her. We want to know what happened. Lilian scrambles to pick up her phone, and shoves it into my hands. I look down. Jace hasn't followed her, but he liked the photo she posted yesterday of us, hanging out during lunch, making stupid faces. He's also commented; "Love the faces 😉💚 (dm your other account)" I smile at her. She's hyperventilating.
"Calm Lilian. Calm." I say to her, giggling. I hand her back her phone.
"Easy for you to say! You text the guy all the time!" Lilian exclaims, grinning. Just then, Ashtyn squeals. It's her turn to shove a phone into my hands. Lilian hands Ashtyn her phone. I read on Ashtyn's phone, while she reads on Lilian's. Ashtyn posted a picture of the three of us in our class right after lunch, just before it started. In it, I'm giving Lilian a piggyback, while Ashtyn's standing there, trying to push Lilian off. They had gotten some guy from our class to take the picture.
Jacenorman7: I'm kind of wishing I was in that class, haha. 😂 (dm your other account 💚)
I hand Ashtyn her phone, and she in turn, hands Lilian back hers. They both instantly start typing away, furiously.
"What are you guys doing?" I ask. They look up, completely in sync.
"That's a very stupid question." Ashtyn replies.
"Oh. Right. Whoops." I say. "Hey listen, shouldn't we get to class?"
"Oh crap." Lilian says, looking at the time on her phone. "Katie, start crying again!"
"Um, any particular reason why?" I ask.
"So we can fake an excuse!" Ashtyn says.
"Oh, right. Of course. How silly of me." I reply. I follow them out of the bathroom, and into the near deserted halls.

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