Chapter 4

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"Kaaaatieeee!" My brother is yelling from downstairs. I look over at the clock. Holy crap. I've been asleep for almost 3 hours. I rub the sleep from the corners of my eyes, and quickly jump out of bed. I bolt out of the room, and run down the stairs. All of my family is in the living room. Either standing, or sitting down in a chair, or on the couch. My mom turns around as I run into the room.
"Hi!" I say breathlessly.
"I'm glad to see you're feeling better!" My mom says, ruefully looking at me.
"Maybeeeee." I reply with a grin. I trail off and look at my mom.
"Something you'd like to ask?" My mom says, hiding her smile.
"Ok! Ok!" I give in, laughing. "Did you get me a new phone?" I demand, still smiling. My mom smiles, and my dad, who's sitting on the couch, pulls a box out from behind is back. "OMG! Thank you!" I exclaim. I grab the box and run back to my room in a matter of seconds. I probably could have won a track meet, if there was a new phone as first prize! I rip the new iPhone 5s out if the box. Ugh. I realize its going to take forever to set up, I have so much stuff to upload. Oh well. It will be worth it! After I finish, I immediately program his number in. I stop to think. What should I send? This is so hard. Just then, my sister walks in the room.
"Wow. You didn't waste anytime did you?" She smiles at me teasingly.
"Yeah. Just like you, and your posters!" I reply with a grin.
"Ouuuu. Shots fired!" My brother says, as he walks past our open bedroom door, headed to his room. My sister quickly closes the door, and we both burst into laughter. It's not even that funny, but we're killing ourselves. One of the good things about having her around, I guess. We finally regain our composure, but not before our cheeks are stained with tear marks.
"Ok so I need to talk to you." I say to her, in a serious sounding tone. Her face pales.
"Woah. Did I do something wrong?" She asks.
"No. No." I exclaim, laughing. Her face instantly brightens.
"Ok good! You scared me for a second there!" She says, scowling teasingly.
"So umm....." I tell her the whole story. I know she'll remember J. I used to hang out with him all the time, after all. She immediately gets it. She may be 13, but honestly, sometimes she acts older then me. That may or may not be because I'm secretly a 5 year old in the body of 14 year old..... Kidding! I swear. But sometimes I really do act like it.
"So are you going to text him?" She asks.
"I want to, but I don't know what to say." I look down at my lap. I'm sitting cross-legged on my bed, facing my sister, who's sitting on hers.
"I'll help!" She exclaims. I look back up her, she's smiling kindly at me. I toss her my phone. It lands on her bed, and she picks it up. I get off my bed, to go over to hers.
"Now what?" I ask.
"This." She replies. Her fingers fly across the keypad as she types. "Here." She says, abruptly handing me the phone. I look down at what she's typed, she hasn't sent it yet, thank god for that.
"Hey, its Katie! Text me back when u can. Ik its late but I had to get a new phone."
"Ok." I agree. "Send it." I hand her back the phone, and I hear the whoosh, as the message sends. We both then hear our mom yell up from downstairs;
"Dinner!" Which kind of sucks, since our parents don't allow electronics at the table. I walk over to my nightstand, and plug in my phone. My sister walks out of the room. I'm right behind her, and I close the door behind me. My brother comes out into the hall at the same time, and we all go downstairs together. Both my parents are already sitting at the dinning room table. My siblings and I each pull out a chair, and sit down with them. Mom's made homemade tacos. They're one of my favourites. They should actually probably be called burritos, but no one has the heart to tell my mom that.
"So how was the tour?" I ask.
"Awesome!" My brother yells, his mouth full of food.
"Swallow your food first please, Callum." My dad says sternly to him. My brother frowns and sticks out his tung.
"Callum." My mom says warningly. He shuts up and looks down at his food. I glance awkwardly at my sister, who returns the look.
"It was great!" She says quickly. "We went and saw all the normal touristy places, as well as tried out a new restaurant."
"Oh. Cool." I reply, looking at her gratefully. This dinner conversation is getting awkward fast. I catch my sister's eye, and we silently agree to finish as soon as possible. We gulp down our tacos, and ask to be excused.
"Wow. You girls must have been hungry!" My dad exclaims. We nod in agreement, trying to get out of there. "Just put your dishes in the sink, and you can go." He adds. We put our dishes in the sink, making sure to put them in gently, to avoid our mom getting mad. We rush back upstairs, to the safety of our room.
"Well that was awkward!" I say to her.
"I know right?" She says, giggling a little. "Check your phone!" She adds, practically yells at me.
"First of all, owwwww! My eardrums! Second of all its only been an hour, he probably hasn't replied yet."
"Just check, will you!" She exclaims, seemingly frustrated. I relent, and grab my phone. I can't believe it! My sister was right, there's a message from him!
"Yes!" I say, probably too loudly. My sister laughs.
"I guess he replied then?"
"Shhhh!" I say, and I unlock my phone. I can feel my heart pounding. My hands are probably shaking too, but I'm oblivious. I read the message.
"Hey Katie, no worries haha, I didn't have my phone with me today anyways. What's up?"
"I. Am. Not. OKAY!" I say to my sister, who jumps up off her bed, and grabs my phone.
"Look. He only replied 5 minutes ago! He might still be on!" She exclaims. I gulp.
"So?" I ask.
"So text him!" She says, clearly exasperated with me. She gives me back the phone. I take a deep breath. I can do this.

K: nm just chilling with my sister

J: ahaha cool. Sam right? How is she? :)
My sister is leaning over my shoulder. So I look up at her.
"Well I'm not in the hospital, I'm not currently trying to kill you, or Callum, and I don't have school. So um pretty darn good!" She says, clearly proud of her answer. I laugh.
"Ok, smart one." I say.

K: she's good. she thinks she's hilarious, but she really isn't lol. By the way she says hi

J: Lol. Dw I get it. I have siblings too. And I say hi back.

I look over at my sister.
"Now what?" I ask, a hint of panic creeping into my voice.
"Chill out. Just ask what he's doing right now." She rolls her eyes at me.

K: aha right, siblings huh! so whats new with you?

It barely takes him a second to reply.

J: nm, I just finished a long day on set

K: thats so cool! I'm glad acting is paying off for u, u were always good at it tbh ;)
J: aww thanks ❤️

J: I have to go, another long day tmrw. :( ttyl?

K: yeah sure, ttys

I exit my messages, lock my phone, and plug it back in, setting it down on my night stand again. Oh my god. I just texted him, it was so cool. I don't think I'll ever stop smiling. My sister left as soon as I had sent the last message. It was kind of late, so she was changing into her pyjamas and getting ready for bed. While she was in the washroom, I grabbed my pyjamas, and whatever else I needed. She didn't take long, and soon I was in my pj's too. We both crawled into bed and turned off the light. No plans tomorrow, meant sleep in day. And that was something I couldn't wait for. Everything goes quiet as I drift off to sleep.

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