Chapter 3

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I wake up to the sound of music pounding out of my sister's phone, which is sitting on her desk. Probably something big time rush related. Did I mention she was obsessed? I pull the covers away from my face. Sunlight is streaming in through the huge window, in the middle of the room.
"Sam, turn off your alarm!" I yell at her.
"But I like this song." She grumbles back, from underneath her blankets. Ugh. I get up and turn off her alarm. I grab some clothes from my dresser. My mom must have put them away before I had gotten here last night. I stumble into the bathroom, still half asleep. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I'm surprised everything is unpacked, and I find everything I need with ease. I decide against showering until later. I finish getting dressed and walk out of the bathroom back into our room. I slide into my chair at my desk and open my laptop. I'm hoping J, will have responded, but I'm doubtful. I check anyways. "No new messages" the screen reads. My heart sinks. Oh well, I should have known better. I close the laptop and stand up. I would check my email from my phone, but since we moved, I need to get a new one, with a new number and everything. I think my parents are planning to do it with my siblings, and I today while we're touring LA. I can't wait until I can use my phone again. I don't know that I could live without it! My sister is up now, sitting in her bed, with her laptop in front of her.
"Excited for today?" I ask with a smile. She looks up and smiles back.
"Umm. Obviously!" Her smile turning into a huge grin.
"Good." I reply teasingly. I turn and open the door to head downstairs. I make sure to close door behind me. I head down the stairs and into the kitchen. Most of the first floor is open-concept, so I can see my younger brother, sitting on the living room couch, eyes glued to the tv, playing his xbox. He's only 10, so mom usually restricts how much video game time he gets. I guess since we just moved, and aren't in school yet, she's letting him have more time then usual. My parents must still be in bed, because the kitchen is deserted. There's food in the fridge, but the rest of the food, as well as the plates and other stuff are still in boxes all over the kitchen. I grab the milk from the fridge, and a cup from one of the boxes. I pour myself a glass, and set it on the counter. I find some granola bars in one of the food boxes. Not a great breakfast, but I don't feel like digging through the boxes to find more stuff. Once I'm done, I throw the wrappers out in the garbage can under the sink. My mom walks into the kitchen, just as I put my empty milk glass in the sink.
"All ready for today?" She asks, smiling at me.
"Yes!" I beam back. I'm about to go on, but I'm interrupted by brother from the living room.
"I WIN SUCKER!" He screams into his headset.
"Callum! I'm going to take that away from you if you can't be quiet!" My mom yells angrily at him.
"Ok mom!" He replies, before disappearing back into his game. She turns back to me.
"So, umm, are we getting our new phones today?" I ask hopefully.
"We'll see." She replies, before turning away to make herself breakfast. I turn to head back to my room, but as I walk out of the kitchen, everything goes black, and I feel myself fall.

I'm not sure how long I've been out, but when I come to, I'm lying on the living room couch. My mom is sitting next to me, holding a freezing cold cloth on my forehead. She sees me open my eyes and gives me a hug.
"You passed out for 10 minutes. It must because of all the sleep you've been getting." She says. I know she's being sarcastic. I've barely had any sleep this past week. I just nod my head, not wanting to say anything.
"I think you'd better stay home today, and get some sleep." She says. I don't argue, I'm suddenly not feeling too good. I close my eyes and sink back into the couch. 15 minutes later, I hear my family leave, heading off to for the tour that I was supposed to do too. After awhile, I realize I'm feeling better, I get up off the couch, and head to my room. I sit down on my bed and look around the room. I realize my sister got the the rest of her posters up, and I can't help but smile. She really does love that band. I decide I'll put up some of my decorations. I pull the box with all my wall stuff in it, out from under my bed. Its kind of heavy, probably because of all the framed pictures in it. While my sister has her posters, I have my pictures. Each frame holds a picture special to me. Since my mom knows how important it is to me, all the hooks are set up on the wall already. All I have to do is put the pictures up. It takes me about an hour, but I get it done. I sit on my sister's bed so I can admire it. I look over at my laptop, and my head is instantly filled with thoughts about him. I can't help it. I need to check. I hurriedly boot up the laptop and log into my email. "1 new message(s)" it reads. I feel my heart in my throat. I open my inbox. I can't believe it, there's an answer from him. I stop to take a few breaths You need to stay calm, I remind myself. I open the email, my hands are shaking.
"Hey Katie! Of course I remember you, lol :p Its true, haven't seen you in forever. Can't believe you still have this email, haha. Its cool you moved out here, I'd love to meet up some time, text me when you're free and maybe we can work something out!" He ends it with his phone number and his name. I can't believe it. He answered! I'm so happy I think I'll burst. I grab my ipad and open twitter and Instagram to add him. As soon as I'm done, I jump on my bed, hugging the ipad to my chest, I'm so happy. Now I just have to wait for my parents to get back with my new phone! I close my eyes and relax. I fall asleep before someone could count to ten.

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