Differences in Getting Up

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The sunlight woke the two of them up as it slipped in through the cracks in their blinds.
The white haired boy moaned, annoyed, and burrowed his head further into the raven hair's chest.
Kaneki yawned, looking down at his other self, "I have to get up."
A groan came from the other boy signaling it was not okay for him to get up.
He laughed, "I am sorry but I have to get to work."
"No...." The other one groaned, hugging him.
"But you know I have to."
"Call in sick." He suggested with a muffled voice, "You're always on time and always going to work for that old fart."
"Hey! He has a name. And I have to be that way to fit in." Kaneki replied poking his other self.
"Mmmm... But you already fit in..." He latched on to the raven haired boy further, not wanting to let go.
"But I have to prove I am worth the effort they put into me. I just... Don't wanna let anyone down."
He hugged him possessively. "Then don't let me down."
"I can't afford to please myself often you know..." Kaneki frowned.
"Well you never please me. You always put others before yourself." The white haired boy lifted his head to look into his other self's eyes properly.
"But..." Kaneki looked at the other boy, "It's better to..."
"...Be the one hurt than others being hurt." He finished his sentence.
The raven haired boy nodded.
"Well there's a lot worse things than being late or missing work." The white haired boy huffed.
"I know! I just don't want to disappoint." Kaneki managed to get out of bed, pulling off the other boy who was clinging to him.
"Fine..." The other boy sighed flipping over.
"...sorry..." Kaneki felt bad as he went to grab a shower.
"I knew it wouldn't work..." The white haired boy sighed as he thought about what would happen today when he went to work. 'I can't let that happen...' He thought to himself, 'Not again.'

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