[15] The Beginning of Darkness

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I've been walking for like an hour now but I still reached nothing. I don't know where to go, how to leave this place. I didn't even know how I got here; The last thing I recall is seeing Harry standing from his bed and grabbing his invisibility cloak, then my eyes grew heavier and darkness devoured my sight. Right, I'm in a dream... it must be.

"Oh, come on! I've been walking for like ages now; all I see are white walls" I mumbled for the millionth time. I kept walking and walking until I saw a four-legged animal, it has a short, dense, black coat, an otter-like tail, a clean-cut head, and a broad back skull. When I was at close distance, it looked into my eyes. After examining me for almost a minute, the Black Labrador then bowed at me to my surprise and spoke in my mind.

"Greetings young hero, My Lady has sent me to carry her message for you" The dog then glanced at me again, I just stood at my place, not moving, waiting for whatever the dog would tell me.

"She first wanted to express her deepest apologies, as she herself foretold that it is not yet time to reveal herself to you." The she-dog began, "But rest assured that she'll show herself soon. – for now, she wanted to tell you that never look at yourself by any means, no matter what happens, never." The animal continued. I gave her a muddled expression as I'm not really sure how to react with her unspecific warning.

"What do you mean by not looking at myself? And who are you by the way? How come I could hear you in my mind?" I continuously throw more questions to the dog. But it started to retreat, and the place is starting to fade.

"Wait! Don't leave yet! Who are you?" I shouted to the dog but it is now far-away from me and a light suddenly erupted in the place causing me to close my eyes. After that, I see nothing.

I frantically jolted up from my bed. I looked around me; Neville, Seamus, and Dean are still out for Christmas vacation. I checked Harry's bed, but he's not there, same as Ron. I stood up and walked out of our room and went down to our common room.

"Where are they?" I thought when I didn't see them here either. By then, I felt figures approaching and as if on cue, I heard the portrait door slid open. I looked at its direction but I saw no one coming in but I could still feel them. Suddenly I noticed a movement and a cloak fell to the ground and two boys stood now in front of me.

"What the Hades are you two doing out there at this time of the night!?" I hissed at them

"Relax! You sound like Professor McGonagall except from the Hades thing" Ron said to me, a bit laughing from my expression.

"Sorry Iro, you're not waking up earlier when we tried to wake you. We even slapped your face, but you're too deep in sleep. So, we decided to leave you." Harry explained.

"Then care to tell me where the Hades did you two just went?"

Harry started to speak, "Err... at first I went to the library alone, in the restricted area. I tried to search for books that might mention Nicholas Flamel"

"So, any luck?" I asked. But he shook his head.

"No, I almost got caught by Filch, good thing I have my invisibility cloak. I just ran everywhere my feet got me. I then ended up in an empty classroom, aside from the giant mirror..." He stopped when he mentioned the mirror, then he exchanged looks with Ron.


"Well, the mirror isn't just a normal mirror –"

'Well, I thought so' I told myself but didn't say it and let Harry continue.

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