[8] Brewed from the Incident

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Thursday morning; we are currently having our breakfast in the Great Hall, anxious for our first flying lessons. Hermione's been giving tips on flying a broomstick she'd gotten out of the library book called 'Quidditch Through the Ages.' But the sudden arrival of hundreds of owls for morning mails cut her off.

A barn owl brought Neville a small package from his grandmother. Inside the package, was a glass ball the size of a large-marble.

"It's a Remembrall – Gran knows I forget things – this tells you if there's something you've..." But he didn't manage to finish it when the marble he's holding turned scarlet.

"Err – what does it mean when it turns like that?" Iro asked, confused.

"It means I forgot something, Iro," Neville frustratedly answered, trying to think what he had forgotten.

My friend then leaned closer and whispered, "Harry, what kind of humiliation do you think we'll get ourselves into at that lesson?" he asked with nervousness staining his voice.

"You really hate the idea of flying, do you?" I taunted.

"I don't know. My gut is telling me I'm going to be struck by lightning the moment I left off the ground." I rolled my eyes while chuckling at his exaggeration.

"If I know, you're just afraid of heights." I mocked and earned sharp glares from my friend.

I heard him let out a faint smirk and speak, "Said by the one who's been fidgeting since this morning." with a teasing tone. "Anyways, we both know we have been sentenced to be humiliated in front of that git Malfoy. I mean, that kid had been boasting out that he could perfectly fly in a broom. I bet that's true because he literally grew up with magic around him. And so did Ron, obviously they both rode a broom before."

I took a deep breath upon admitting what he mentioned. But I rather keep it myself. I diverted my gaze and looked at the round-faced boy. I was about to burrow the gift he got from his Grandma when Malfoy showed up and snatched Neville's Remembrall. Iro, Ron, and I were ready to fight him but Professor McGonagall interjected us. Malfoy then walked out with his two friends slash bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle, after dropping the Remembrall at the table,

I then saw Iro pick it and stretch out his hand towards Neville Longbottom. But before he could get his Remembrall back, its color once again turned scarlet.

At three-thirty in the afternoon, the three of us, with the rest of Gryffindor first years went to the field for our first Flying lessons. The Slytherins were already there, and so were twenty-broomsticks lying in neat lines on the ground.

I examined the brooms; it was old and some of the twigs stuck out at odd angles. I then notice Iro stand next to me, away from the others "Uhm Harry... are you nervous?" he asked.

"Err – a little – you?" I still asked despite his confession earlier, but he shook his head, obviously lying. He looks so pale; I mean paler compared to his normal pale skin complexion.

I smirked "Huh! doesn't look like it, you punk!" I said, with a mocking tone of voice.

"Well, Aunt Figg clearly knows about me being a wizard but for some reason, she didn't tell me, much less taught me at least how to fly with a broom. – so yeah! I'm freaking nervous, Harry – there, happy now?" I nodded, sarcastically smiling, and saw him release a long sigh.

"I'm starting to regret not listening to Hermione's tips earlier – care to enlighten me, why I didn't?" he continued. I face palmed mentally. "Because you... I mean we thought they're useless, '' I said, realizing our stupidity.

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