6. Personal assistant.

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"Xander did what?" Christina asked.

"I'm sure I was pretty clear Christina, your idiot brother sued me for 500000 dollars" Francine paced gripped her hair screaming.

She grabbed her wet purse, and dead phone and stormed out of the apartment. She was going to give that piece of shit a bit of her mind. Just because she was a Christian didn't mean she'd let people walk all over her. That was just not her, she would never be the weak one. Sue knew when to yield and this was definitely a time to fight. All she saw now was red.

"Francine! Francine! Where do you think you're going to?" Christina yelled after her.

"Where else, to beat some sense into that idiot brother of yours!" She explained when Christina finally caught up to her.

"And what you're going to his office? He not going to be there" Christina huffed.

"Okay, well what's his address then?"

"I'm not telling you that."


"Because you are obviously not in your right mind plus what kind of friend would I be if I let you go out looking like a wet, deranged rat." Christina threw her hands in the air.

"That's not fair," Francine said lowly, pointing her index finger at Christina's nose.

"She's right Frankie," Peace said as she walked out, "besides Xander wants to have a sit down with you tomorrow by ten. If you don't show up then you'll meet in court. That's a better option for now, don't you think?" She gave Francine a smile that you give a kid throwing a tantrum to comfort them.

"Yes, Francine that's a better option." Christina agreed.

Francine felt outnumbered and she was already starting to feel numb from the cold.

"Besides Christina is right, you do look like a deranged rat. Plus were you planning on going with no shoes?" Peace asked with a grin playing on her soft features.

"How did you know he wants to meet?" Francine sighed.

"The letter, says to come by ten sharp." Peace answered.

"That's not good" Francine groaned. "Mrs. Chantelle asked for me on Friday, specifically."

"What for?" Christina asked.

"We had a bit of a competition last week, my designs won and she'll need me to explain the dress pattern and construction to the dressmakers." She ran her hand through her hair and winced when she felt the state it was in. She didn't even know how to start with it this night, her head was throbbing at the moment. Her fluffy and glossy hair of a few hours ago.

"How about you explain it to me and I'll cover for you, I don't have any shoots tomorrow." Peace offered.

"Don't give her that look, Francine. Just because our bodies are our sources of income doesn't mean that we aren't smart." Christina scolded Francine who looked at Peace like she was a child asking to go on a police raid.

"Yeah, sure" Francine nodded with a small grin playing on her lips.

"Are you going to show me or not?" Peace asked.

"Fine, let's see how you do first." Francine smiled.

"Oh wipe that stupid grin off your face" Christina scowled. They all laughed as they walked back to the apartment.

After Francine got dry and after explaining her designs to Peace, her knowledge of fashion design though limited was pretty impressive. She took an aspirin and allergy medicine before she slept. There was no way she wouldn't be sick, so she had to prevent it before tomorrow. She had a battle tomorrow. As soon as her head touched her pillow she was already sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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