2. Sense of responsibility.

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"Dear God. Thank you for today, thank you for who you are and for the gift of salvation. Thank you for your son Jesus.
Dear God I ask for forgiveness, I have been asking for two weeks now, but surely you do not want me to go to that mans' office right? What I mean is my conscience has not let up since that awful day. But you cannot really want me to go there right? Besides I've lost the card, wait no I haven't. I'm busy, my internship has been keeping very busy and that is the reason in the first place I moved to New York. Either way I'm pretty sure what it is you want, and praying is just making me more guilty so thank you for listening.
For in Jesus Precious name I pray."


"Sir we have managed to track down the driver you asked for" Sarah peeped into the office after knocking for what seemed to be several moments. Infact she was about to walk away when she heard a subtle 'come in'. And there he was the most handsome but arrogant man she knew. Standing like a model by the glass that covered the entire wall of his office. He was looking down on the entire Manhattan, and she meant that both literally and otherwise.

"And?" He spoke.

"Um... he is out in the lobby." She replied, happy that the man was here, she knew better to tell Xander Kim news without having results.

"Send him in." Was his curt response.

She nodded although she knew he couldn't see her and shut the door behind her letting out a large sigh. He terrified her, she hated it, but she needed the job. That man was many things but not stingy.

After she sent the man she went back to her desk in front of his office.

Xander walked over to his desk and sat down waiting for the driver to come in. He needed to find that woman, it was his mistake he should have asked her for her name. But he trusted her to do the right thing and she didn't. It's been two weeks since he told her to come to his office, and nothing. He considered actually sueing but he had no name she might as well be a ghost he could find nothing. And that accent he couldn't place it, definitely it sounded African but her speaking was smooth and eloquent that it hard to trace.

He hadn't meant anything really by asking her to come, he just interested in her concern for a cab driver. Well it seems she might have just been making noise about compassion and humanity. He hated those type of people the most, hypocrites. Now he was going to find her and punish her.

"Come in."

The driver clearly spooked at Xander, he was sure he did not knock yet. He walked slowly into the massive office space and stood in front of Xanders' desk. He sat only after gestured for him to do so.

"So Mr. Martell, it appears you still owe me five thousand dollars." Xander says to the already frightened man sitting in front of him.

"Ah... y-yes, but I mean no disrespect sir but y-you said th-the lady the other day would take c-care of it right?" He stammered.

"Oh indeed, but you see she hasn't kept her end of the bargain, so I don't have my money." Xander stated.

He noticed the driver looking at his surroundings, probably wondering why a man that owns such a building would be chasing a measly five thousand. But it wasn't about the money anymore, it was about a sense of responsibility and if that woman didn't have any then he would find her and teach it to her.

"But sir, surely there must be another way" the driver cried.

"There is" Mr Martell's face lit up at the news "find me the woman and your free to go."

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