
"(Name)! Where the hell were you?! We were so worried!" Mina cried, throwing her arms around you tightly. "Sorry Mina..." you whispered. "Don't be," she said, looking you in your eyes. She puffed out her cheeks and mumbled, "It's Yaoyoruzu's fault for getting in your face, anyway."

"(Name)! Where were you for two weeks?" Midoriya asked, followed by Uraraka, Todoroki, Tsuyu, and Iida, who looked ready to give you a scolding with a whole speech memorized in his head. "I was staying at Eijirou's," you answered.

"Did Aizawa give you a bad punishment?" Uraraka asked, fiddling with her fingers. "Not really. Under house arrest for four days," you shot a glare at Yaoyorozu, who was grinning a sickly sweet smile. "He's having fucking Home Depot watch over me know, as if I'm some dog."

Jirou leaned over and whispered something to the tall ravenette, who snickered. "But why her? It was her who started it," Todoroki said. "Because she's the vice representative," you replied, hatred lacing your voice.

"I'm gonna be in my dorm room," you concluded, walking up the stairs, angry that Yaoyoruzu was following you. You opened the door to your room, only for it to be shut. "What the hell do you want?" You hissed. "Aizawa told me to monitor you. Probably doesn't want you sneaking out and heading off with that villain," she replied, a fake smile on her face.

"I don't need you following me everywhere I go in the dorms and U.A. Your job is to make sure I stay here," you replied, narrowing your eyes. She just shrugged, Jirou coming up behind her. The ravenette pinched your cheek rather harshly, resulting in you twisting your head and biting her hand, letting your teeth sink in until you felt blood.

Yaoyoruzu cried out in pain, watching blood leak out of her hand, her and Jirou glaring daggers into your soul. You only grinned triumphantly, giving her the finger and going inside your dorm, locking the door behind you. You instantly flopped down on your bed, pulled out your phone, and started texting Eijirou.


Kirishima wandered the halls of his father's base, the chains on his pants jingling as he walked. Despite knowing that you were safer at U.A than with him, he still felt antsy. He knew you were living in the same building as Kaminari, and that made him uneasy. You told him about Yaoyoruzu and Monoma already bullying you, and it made his blood boil.

The only good news you gave him was that Kaminari was nowhere to be seen around you. But it still worried him. His thoughts became bothersome, and he growled at the thought of Kaminari even looking at you. Kirishima wasn't one to be selfish, but he wasn't willing to share you. You were his, just as he was yours, and yet Kaminari still seemed blind to that fact.

He came to a halt in the small library that was located deeper into the cave his father called his base. He roamed the isles, stopping at a magenta book that stood out in purple ones. Kirishima pulled on it, opening the secret tunnel to a dark room.

The tunnel was long and dark, and a very dim light was at the end. He smiled at the woman that sat up against the wall, glancing at the roses that were placed on the coffin below her.

"Hello, Mother. It's been a while," he spoke quietly. But the woman didn't say anything in return. The woman was beautiful. Black hair that fell delicately over her shoulders, and kind scarlet eyes, many shades darker than Kirishima's. She wore a black dress with red details, her wedding dress. It wasn't white like the usual, cliche weddings, and he knew his mother wasn't ashamed of liking different things.

A kind smile was placed among the woman's delicate features. She was short and slightly plump, and her eyes were full of kindness and adventure. "I'm guessing you already know that (Name) and I have been dating for a while," he whispered, his smile faltering slightly.

"I hope you're proud of us both," he continued. "They're so kind and generous, an absolute angel. They're so beautiful/handsome, but of course you probably know that already. It's amazing how they ended up with me. I hope Dad's been continuing his visits as well. I hope you're happy and doing well."

His smile was turned into a thin line, his eyes casting downwards. "I think Dad's getting a bit stressed out though. I'm trying to help, but Kaminari doesn't make it any better when he's harassing (Name)," he said, his voice cracking in some spots. Kirishima glanced around the room, seeing the items of the woman's favorite things covered in a thin layer of dust.

He walked over to a shelf and picked up a framed picture. He blew the dust off and coughed at the particles before he took in the photo. It was his parents' wedding. His father seemed much happier and younger. Eye bags weren't present under his eyes like they were now. His father's pink orbs were filled with laughter and happiness as he held the hand of his wife. Your father stood next to him, patting his back while your mother was next to Kirishima's with a tissue in her hand. His mother also seemed happy and young, standing up on her tiptoes to give her husband a kiss on the cheek, flaunting the ring that was on her finger.

He moved to the next photo, seeing his mother with a round belly, and his father with happy tears streaming down his face. The next one was his mother holding Kirishima's newborn baby self, with cheeks and chub galore. The third one was a few years later, when he was about four years old. The fresh scar was present over his eyes and a faint blush on his cheeks as you stood next to him, your cheeks rounder than they were now. The pictures moved up from the days of gradeschool and the start of middle school, almost all of them including you.

Kirishima knew his mother loved you as much as she loved him and her husband. She was like your second mother. He gazed around at the pictures for his parents first dates to when your father proposed, and photo albums were stacked against the wall.

He moved over to the wall with tears streaming down his cheeks and teeth clenched tight together. "I miss you, dammit," he whispered, putting his hand up against the woman's. But the woman didn't move. She continued to smile kindly.

Kirishima felt stupid. He knew she couldn't hear or see him. She couldn't touch him anymore. He wished she was next to him, consoling him as he stressed over the fact that Kaminari was harassing you and work was rising for his father. "I miss you so damn much," he choked out. But she didn't do anything.

After all, Kirishima was only talking to a painting of his dead mother.

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