Joenek watched in wonder, as the rothnak struggled to maintain balance for the briefest of moments. And then she took hold of the lines and used a quick see-sawing motion to jerk on each. The mule gave a toss of his large head, and finally tucked his nose and slowed his pace considerably. Joenek continued to run along-side the supply wagon, until the animal came to a halt.

He gazed at Edileth, as she rubbed the mule's neck and ruffled its roached mane, cooing softly to the frightened beast. She then slid off its back and began detaching his harness from the wagon while the rattled driver hopped down and moved toward the other elves. With haste, Edileth removed the mule's harness, as well; all but the headstall and lines. As Joenek continued pointing elves in the direction of Jich and Lemnor, he watched Edileth use her knife to cut the lines shorter; creating "reins".

Again, Edileth pulled herself onto the mule's back. She then turned to look at Joenek and motioned him closer.


Her demand was simple and allowed for no refusal.

"You want me to get on that?"

"We don't have time for this, Joenek. Get on the mule."

She seemed to realize her mistake as soon as she had finished speaking; she had called him by his real name. With a scowl, she spoke again, clearly agitated by her slip-up as well as his hesitance.

"Get on the mule, now."

He walked toward the animal, filled with uncertainty. After an awkward attempt at mounting the beast, Joenek finally squirmed his way onto the mule.

Without warning, Edileth moved the mule into a trot. Joenek yelped and grabbed hold of the female before him as he nearly fell backwards, over the mule's rump. He heard a grunt of disgust come from the blonde, but still he held onto her; one arm wrapped about her waist, the other hand clinging to the clothing on her side. He felt like a sack of grain flopping about, ready to plummet to the earth at any moment.

While Joenek gripped onto Edileth, staring at the mule's bobbing head before them, the female led the mule in a wide sweep. She looked about, making certain that none of the refugees had been left behind. A short distance ahead, all of Jich's elves had gathered at the edge of the cliff.

Joenek sneaked a glance behind him and saw the raiding elves had picked up the pace and were drawing near.

As the two made their way into the circle of Jich's elves, Edileth called out with authority.

"Bring the children to me."

She brought the mule to a stop and, with relief, Joenek dismounted with a rather graceless hop. Edileth, however, came down with expert precision and fluidity. Sheem and Adhraena moved toward Edileth and Joenek. When the blonde spotted them, she motioned for the young elves to come near.

"Gather the remaining children. Put them upon the mule and let him go down the path without any guidance. He will know the safest route. Follow fairly close, so that you may readily take hold of him once you've reached the base."

Then she turned, searching the crowd. Her eyes found Jich. As she moved toward the wicked elf, Joenek put a hand upon her shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to give that craven roth what for."

Before he could stop her, the blonde wove through the other elves until she came to stand before the thin male. Joenek moved directly behind her. He did not like the way Jich had abused Adhraena and couldn't bear the thought of a similar fate befalling Edileth.

"What do you want, girl?"

"Your rudeness does not threaten me, coward. I shall tell you what's going to happen, since you care for none but yourself. There is a mule which shall lead the children down the path first. After them shall be the rothnash and elders of your group. Finally, the rothni shall descend the path. My family and I shall remain up here to provide you safe passage until all have made it below."

"As if I'd listen to the words of a thriknal, like you."

Joenek felt rage at the vile term Jich had used against Edileth. But before he could act, the villainous elf spun his horse about and charged through the others.

"So be it."

At the sound of her quiet words, Joenek glanced to Edileth. She looked enraged and even, perhaps, a bit disappointed. Joenek saw Kidh watching them with a hint of confusion. As their eyes met, Joenek spoke.

"See that things are done as she has said."

The younger son of Jich nodded his head and began relaying Edileth's instructions throughout the group. Joenek and Edileth then moved to rejoin their own companions.

Joenek felt deep apprehension fill him. Standing a mere few meters away from the Ferlians were the bandits. The ranger-in-training moved to stand beside Arun.

"This isn't looking good, at all."

"Aye, it does seem t' be rather ferbodin'. But Torben'll set these vagabonds a-straight."

No sooner did Arun finish speaking, and the hannorim called out to the leader of the thieves.

"It would benefit both parties if you were to turn around and leave us be."

Laughter rose from the mounted elves. The leader nudged his stocky, liver-chestnut tobiano forward. When the horse was but a few strides from the Ferlians, the leader addressed them.

"My rothni and I far outnumber you. Why should we leave so great a prize?"

"Because we are followers of Feridh and shall not permit you to harm the innocent."

The roth smirked and then glanced over his shoulder at his band of ne'er-do-wells.

"You here that, lads? These fine folk are followers of the 'Great and Mighty' Feridh. Aren't you frightened by their invisible god?"

The other elves jeered and hawed, many shouting crude, taunting words or phrases. Joenek shifted in discomfort. He still wasn't sure what he thought of the existence of Feridh, but he hated the way these vagabonds ridiculed his companions.

"Looks like you'd better start praying to your god now."

And with that simple statement, the leader raised a battered sword into the air with a deep bellow. His voice was quickly joined by those of his fellow bandits, and in short order there was a rumbling of hooves.

Joenek stood with sword in hand, ready for battle. Around him, the Ferlians stood similarly, standing ready with various forms of weaponry. The only one not present was Marrik, who – Joenek presumed – had been sent down the precarious path with Jich's elves. Joenek's heart was pounding within his breast – adrenaline just beginning to surge through his veins – as the fiends moved the short distance toward the Ferlians.

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