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"The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned."

- Maya Angelo

- Maya Angelo

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Spencers POV

I sat at my desk at the BAU, Ivy was still in her coma and I needed to be back at work.

My arm was in a sling which had greatly helped take the weight off my shoulder, the doctors saying it'll be a couple more weeks before I would be able to take it off, even more, physiotherapy to bring my shoulder back to normal.

The team was happy to see me back in the office, everyone asking how Ivy was doing if she had woken up.


I grabbed my phone looking at the caller ID seeing 'Dr. Johnson.'

"Dr. Reid speaking."

"Dr. Reid, it's Dr. Johnson from the Virginia general hospital calling about Ivy Parkson."

I sat up in my seat "Yes, is she awake?"

"Dr. Reid I would be more comfortable if you came into the hospital so we could talk."

"No, please, tell me."

"Our nurse was doing a routine check-up, she noticed her neck wound had opened up and there was a blood clot, so the surgeons wanted to take her into surgery to correct it. she coded on the table, they tried to resuscitate her, but she was unresponsive. She's died at 12:01 PM this afternoon."

My vision lost focus, "Spence?" JJ asked, noticing my change.

"Okay... Thank you." I hung up the phone and let my tears fall.

"Spence? What's wrong?"

"Ivy died. She's dead."

I lurched forward, awaking from my dream-- more like a nightmare. I glanced over at my clock. 4:45 AM.

Having the same dream over and over again.

I groaned, rubbing my face it had been 4 days since they discharged me from the hospital and it had been one week since Ivy and I were both admitted there. I had visited Ivy every day since then, she was in a medically induced coma, her injuries slowly getting better, day by day.

I could imagine her waking up and seeing her big blue eyes, I could see her smiling as we joked about what we went through. Until then I would come to see her and brush her hair, making sure it wouldn't be unmanageable when she did wake up.

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