Chapter Forty-Six

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"What wallpaper do you think we should use?" Tommy asked out of the blue as he and Josephine were sat in bed, sitting up against the headboard.

Tommy's hand was resting on her bump, eagerly waiting for a kick from the baby.

Josephine felt the first kick not so long ago and ever since then, Tommy never wanted to miss one. His mood, without a doubt, always improved whenever he felt a kick. It helped that the baby always reacted whenever it heard it's father's voice and even though the kicks and excited movement from the baby sometimes caused her pain. Josephine would smile along with him.

"Huh?" Josephine asks, pulling her eyes from her book.

"For the nursery," Tommy explains.

"Oh!" Josephine closed her book and placed it on her bedside table," I hadn't even thought about that."

When Josephine took his hand off her bump, so she could snuggle closer to him, Tommy raised an eyebrow.

"They're asleep, they're not going to kick," Josephine told him, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand before intertwining them with hers.

Tommy nodded taking her word for it, as she had a much deeper knowledge about their baby than he did.

"So, what colour? "Tommy asked.

"Hmm.. what about a soft yellow. I don't want anything too bright."

Tommy nods in agreement, "Sounds good"

"We also need to get a crib, and chest of drawers" Josephine reminded him, "And a rocking chair."

"It shouldn't take the decorators long to do the wallpaper. A day or two. We can go shopping on Thursday for other things."

Josephine hummed in understanding before she yawned, making Tommy give her a soft smile, finding her adorable.

"I think it's time to sleep." Tommy murmured before he reached over to turn off her lamp and then his before snuggling into their usual sleeping position.

Tommy still had issues with sleep but he didn't mind laying in bed with Josephine while she slept. He used to spend hours at his desk, doing work until he eventually passed out but he's found, laying in bed with the love of his life and a hand on her bump brought him a sense of peace.

The physical touch comforted and assured him as sometimes, he really could not believe that in a few months, he would have a baby.

Tommy knew he was a terrible man but he was determined to be the best father, he could possibly be. His own father was terrible and he wasn't going to put his child through the same things he did as a child.

Tommy saw the way his father treated Ada, treated her as if she was like rubbish on the street simply because she was a girl and he vowed that if he had a daughter, he would never do the things his father did.

Whether he had a daughter or a son, he would be the best father he could be.

He would be like Jonas. Tommy didn't know a better man than his father-in-law.

Ever since he found out that Josephine was pregnant, Tommy had done some self-reflection. He promised change when he and Josey got back together and whilst he had made strides, his actions had caused her harm twice but with a baby, there were no second chances.

In a few months, there will be a small person who will utterly rely on Tommy and he couldn't afford to fuck up.


Josephine walked around the nursery with a small smile on her face, the decorators had finished with the room not so long ago, so she was admiring the newly decorated room.

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