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It's never too late to live happily ever after.


The Aziz family were certainly disappointed when they learned the answer to the proposal, which was a no. They really did hope for a positive answer but they should have guessed it already with the way Leila and Shehryaar stared at each other when the question of marriage was raised. It's been a day now. The Qureshi family has been surprisingly planning something behind their children's back and they were more than happy when Shehryaar asked for permission to take Leila out that day.

And now, the loud honking of cars from behind made Leila frown, why can't these people ever that just because they honk we can't move forward. It's the signal which controls all. Shehryaar chuckled at her face which he found rather funny. She has been inpatient throughout the ride, not knowing where she was taken to has made her frustrated, to say the least.

"Where?" she began but was cut off by him again, who added," do you trust me?"

She became blank at once.

"Don't answer that." fearing that her answer would be no, he quickly looked away. Gaining back her trust was the next difficult thing but he did try.

"I d-do." Leila didn't dare look at his face nor his eyes as she blurted those words. His charcoal grey eyes widened in surprise as he stared at her. She had her face averted from him. Luckily the signal was still on the red lights, so he could spare some time to make her look at him.

"Did you really say that?" she nodded her head sceptically, it took a lot in her to trust him again, all she could hope was for him to not break it again.

"I tru-st you." she said again as he looked in her eyes, her lashes blinked innocently making her look so beautiful and tempting, it took everything in him to not grab that gorgeous face of hers and kiss her. It was wrong, they weren't married yet. But they will soon and he's planning to take revenge for every time she has tested his self-control. It's going to be very sweet revenge, of course.

"Thank you,"Shehryaar replied her with a grin as he started the car again when the signal became green again. All the while Leila had her head glued to the window as she stared outside at the busy roads of Hyderabad.

"Exactly where are we?" Leila was confused as to why they have parked in front of the hospital, she was worried now. The thought of something happening to her closed ones shook her from within.

"Get down, first," he replied softly whilst opening the door for her. And when he saw her sitting still, gave her his hands instead which she held tightly as she got down.

"You will definitely be surprised. But in the end, it's going to be worth it. Insha Allah." he whispered softly, confusing her further as they both walked ahead.

Leila who was scared held his hand tighter, as they entered some special ward. Her eyes fell on one man, who was lying lifelessly on the hospital bed," who is he?" she asked him impatiently, but he shushed her as the man on the bed opened his eyes slowly.

"L-eila... You came." words were difficult for him to form but he spoke anyway, she was confused as to how this person knew her name but Shehryaar nodded his head assuringly making her a little relaxed.

"Who are you?" she asked the person, directly, who had a sad smile on his face as soon as he heard that question.

With great difficulty he removed his oxygen mask and sat up," I pray that no other father in this world should get asked this question from his daughter." her eyes widened in both surprise and shock. Her legs felt too weak to stand anymore, if not for Shehryaar holding her hand, she might have fallen down.

Of Broken Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें