5 - your biggest weakness

Start from the beginning

"It's gonna be fine," Clarke tried to somehow comfort Lexa, but when this didn't work, she tried harder, "Hey, I'll be there for you."

Lexa laughed at this, and Clarke was really surprised, her sky-blue eyes looking for answers. When Lexa stopped giggling, she only said:

"Oh, thank you, Rachel."

And Clarke finally understood what she just said.

"Very funny," she added and then stood up. She looked at Lexa. "Now, I'm going to study a little. You wanna join?"

"Everything that was today, I already knew, so thanks, but no," Lexa said, surprised how this sounded, then also stood up. She could see that Clarke was a little bit disappointed and... hurt? Maybe it was a little bit too harsh. Nonetheless, she pretended to didn't notice. "I think I'm gonna go on running, actually."

Clarke nodded, burbled 'okay', and headed upstairs. Lexa a little surprised by Clarke's weird reaction changed into more comfortable clothes then went out from home.

Lexa needed this run. All of these years when she felt lost that's what she was doing, going on running. It was helping her in collecting thoughts. And Sonja didn't mind that, she was saying that it was "healthy", and as long as it was "healthy" Lexa was able to do that.

Now she wasn't lost. She was happy, free. She could do whatever the hell she wanted, with no asking for permission, with no consequences. She was there for one day and she already felt better than ever in her entire life.

Running through the long streets of Polis she had literally no idea where she was going. So, soon when she stopped somewhere she didn't even see before, she was a little bit scared.

She was standing in front of the tower. It was a very high cylinder, with many, many windows. Several people were coming in and out of it all the time.

And then she noticed some black-haired, high boy walking towards the same street in front of her. Lexa walked up to him and turn his attention on her.

"Lexa?" he asked like she was the last person he was expecting to see. "What are you doing here?"

"Bellamy, right?" she asked just to make sure. Clarke showed her today only a few people, but Lexa always had problems with remembering other's names. When he nodded she added, "I think I'm lost. This city is huge." Bellamy giggled a little, looking at fascinated Lexa.

"Is it?"

"Bigger than TonDC," Lexa admitted, looking at him to catch if he could recognize this city. She told them where she was from. Bellamy just smiled at her.

"Need some help? I know where Clarke lives," he proposed.

"Yes, please," she nodded, smiling at him.

When they started coming back - by the way that Lexa would never choose - she looked at him. He was wearing black jeans and a blue long-sleeved T-shirt. The purple hat with a text 'Blake.' on it which suit him well.

"Nice hat," Lexa said as he noticed she was staring at him.


There was an awkward silence between them. And none of them didn't know what to do with it. It was slowly getting darker, but soon enough they made it to Griffins home. Lexa thanked and said goodbye to Bellamy. When she closed the door behind her she noticed that power was on.

Lexa made her way to the kitchen, grabbed an apple, then headed upstairs to take a shower. After that, she decided to do her homework.

It was easy though, so after a half an hour she was again drowning in boredom.

She was laying on her bed, looking on the ceiling, when she heard some angry mumbling and then dull hit. Those sounds were from Clarke's room. Lexa interested made her way to Clarke's room, through their bathroom. When she slowly opened the door to see Clarke laying on her bed, with her head dangling from it. Many papers were on the floor, a few of them were squashed. And the book half-opened on the floor, next to the wall.

"Now we know what was this sound," Lexa thought.

Clarke had closed eyes, but the door creaked and she immediately opened them, piercing Lexa by her eyes. For one breath, Lexa drowned in them, then twist her head, looking at her housemate questioningly.

"It's math," Clarke explained, catching Lexa's eyes. "I'd really use some help." She looked so miserable, that Lexa couldn't say no.

She tried to explain Clarke everything as much as she could. She wanted her to understand. It wasn't easy, though.

"Good to know, that math is your biggest weakness," Lexa said when they finally finished.

"You haven't seen me cooking," Clarke answered. Green eyes looked at the blonde confused and curious at the same time. When Clarke caught this look she nodded and added, "Oh, yeah. I'm awful at the kitchen. So, if you're hungry, better order a pizza." Lexa answered smirking.

At the outside it was dark. Cold, fresh air was getting inside Clarke's room. As Lexa felt that, she stood up and closed the window. Then she noticed that Abby's car was right now arriving.

"Abby is here," she said, turning around to see that Clarke felt asleep. She glanced at her with a big smile on her face. As quiet as she could, Lexa took all of the books off of Clarke's bed, then gently cover her by the blanket.

The blonde looked so peacefully while she was asleep. Her hair landed at the pillow. She had a tiny smirk on her face. "She is dreaming," Lexa thought as she noticed that.

She closed the door of Clarke's room and felt so exhausted, that she wasn't even able to go downstairs and greet Abby. She fastly changed into some pajama shorts and a big sweatshirt. It turned out that her window was also open, so even under the duvet, she felt cold.

When Abby came into Lexa's room, she pretended to be asleep. Abby took some things from Lexa's room, stopped for a moment to again look at Lexa, then got away from the room. And as the door closed Lexa didn't have to pretend. She was already in the Morpheus land.

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