12: if you're hurting, so am I

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Struggling to keep a steady breath at this instant was inescapable. It was as if I could feel my world slowly crumbling, and what's worse is that it's probably not going to get better from here. I closed my eyes for one moment, permitting myself to fully grasp the severity of our conditions. But I may have taken a second too long.

"Hamish?" Lilith's voice came out as unsteady, but never fearful. It was precisely what got through to me and yanked me out of my state of shock. I glimpsed at both Vera and Gabrielle, the two wearing similar expressions of concern and anticipation. I shook my head at them to signify the discord about to ensue. Before responding, I quickly tapped on the loudspeaker mode on my phone.

"Lil, are you with the others?" I sought out to sound steadfast.

"Yes." She uttered her reply with no pause.

"Tell them to try and stay calm. We're coming over-"

"No, you don't have to."

"But I thought-"

"She is here. In our realm. I can feel her. There's this tingling inside my skin and the way my blood feels, I just know she's here. But she hasn't found me yet."

I directed my gaze at Vera, pointing to the ground to gauge her opinion on extending an invitation. "Come to the temple."

A hum of approval was heard from Lilith before she dropped the call. After that, not one word was spoken. Everything was communicated through head and eye movements and grimaces, most of which came from Vera and me.

"Another demon has broken through our realm? And she's coming for Lilith?" I really ought to thank Gabrielle for her brain. Having to describe, let alone think, of the current state of our universe- it was forming a massive headache. I believe I have lost the capacity to comprehend. "So, what's gonna happen now?"

I cautiously took a step towards Vera. There was only one thing that came to mind, and it's not something that worked in our favor. "The first thing we need to do is... to tell Council."

Vera released a disheartened chuckle. "That's not a bad idea, but it's not a brilliant one either."

Although I had no qualms with her statement, I had no control over the exasperated sigh that left my lips. "I know, but at this point, what other choice do we have?"

"Okay, do you have any idea on what our next move is?"

"Not really, no."

"Then I guess I'll go ahead and do the undesirable inevitable." She patted me on the shoulder before she approached the table for her phone.

"Hello? Yes, I have news. Upon investigation, I think we have reason to believe that a demon is coming into our realm. Perhaps, they're already here." Her hand reached for mine on the table. I clutched at it, hoping that it boosts any kind of positive emotion inside her.

"No, I understand that this is a very serious claim. But seeing as there is no other explanation for the phenomena we are experiencing, we are left with the only conclusion. I have no idea why this is happening either, but one thing is certain, and it is that we must prepare for what is to come. Trouble is brewing somewhere, and we must be ready to protect our temples and the rest of the world. Yes, I'll meet you in a few minutes. Alert the other nations for me, will you?"
Gabrielle and I locked eyes in confusion at what seemed to be the finish of the conversation. "You didn't tell them about Lilith."

"I was just going to point that out, but maybe you two want to talk it out in private? I'll wait outside for the others." Gabrielle proposed.

I smiled at the initiative. "That would be a good idea. Thank you, Medicum."

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