1: are we whole or just two halves reaching out to the unknown?

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Indeed, it took a long time to get here. To even be mutually comfortable to be so vulnerable and genuine, it was like a distant and unwanted dream once upon a time ago. Many were the doubts, the not-just-occasional harsh quips. Heck, we even almost died! Yes, the two of us, targeted at the same time in two separate places. Much has happened in the span of only a couple months, but as Vera tugged on my hand, gripping it tightly everything was worth it.

Thus, here we were, still latching onto each other through our entwined fingers, both occupied with the uncertainty with what was to come. What's next?

So apparently Vera's list of things to do immediately included breaking the news of her decision to me. "Vera? Are you certain? Temple Magus? Wouldn't that be-"

"Be what?"

"Look, all I'm saying is-" I licked my lips in frustration. "I've only been here for a few months, and in the short time that I've been around, even I know that your promotion process takes a little longer than just a few months."

"Wouldn't it be rather suspicious? And that's even worse when you acknowledge the fact that it only took us three months to become Medicums (or Medici, whatever) then Magistratus." I was so close to shouting, but I figured that that would be unnecessary. And what Vera needed was a calm and sound mind or voice. "Honestly, do you believe this to be the right decision?"

A sigh escaped her mouth, which was followed immediately by her shrugging nonchalantly. Her eyes were directed at me for a few moments, but they were gone from view when she bowed her head defeatedly. I sincerely understood why she was acting this way. I empathized with her, but her being this down wasn't a common sight to see her in.

Regardless of the severity of the chaos and destruction she's faced, never had she ever seemed this defeated. And I knew exactly why that was: her magic.

"Vera." I gradually reached for her cheek. "I understand why you're this upset. It's okay. Let yourself grieve. What's not okay, though, is being reckless about the path that you're taking. Or for even merely a step. The stakes are higher than ever now. I know it could be too much to take on, but there is no one in the world I believe could handle this more than you."

The truth is, without her magic, Vera would be disposable to The Order, and that was a scary thought, but it was the cruel reality of the world we lived in. And so, whatever the next move was, it had better be an amazing one; being promoted as Temple Magus probably wasn't that.

"If I remain, Grand Magus, I need somebody on my side. To stand beside me no matter what." She muttered, her voice filled with so much exhaustion and desperation.

I appreciated what she was trying to say. She and I- us. Together. Nevertheless, I would rather be smart than sentimental during these times for her sake.

I crouched down to level with her and leaned my forehead against hers. "Here's what I believe you need to do. Think. More importantly, rest. Whatever position you need me to fill, I will. Reassure me that you're doing this without anything else other than logic that's influencing your decisions, and we're good."

"Okay." Vera closed, appearing as if she was about to cry, but she didn't. She's already cried enough by her standards. At that moment, she was already playing her role as Grand Magus, and she was nothing else but that because she had to be.

I pressed my mouth to her cheek, lingering as long as I could. "Okay."

As I was about to exit her office thinking of the fact that I needed to have an urgent talk with the others, I was grudgingly reminded of something. Randall. I turned around reluctantly to face a drinking Vera, confusion apparent on her expression.

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