8: another night, another day goes by

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Part 2: Don't Put Your Weapon Down

An earthquake awakened the whole of Norwich at 3 am. I recalled Vera and I springing awake at the break of dawn. Her expression was mildly concerned at first, but after seeing mine, it morphed into trouble.

Because for me, and most plausibly the other Knights, it wasn't the unexpected shaking of the ground that alarmed us. It was the ringing. And that left us with one conclusion: it wasn't a natural phenomenon that occurred. Someone or some people were using magic. And they weren't on our side, which made them a threat.

"Should we be worried, do you think?" I asked Vera as I hurriedly closed the door to her car. After the whole incident, she rushed to grab her phone and called and texted everyone to be at the Temple as soon as possible. Now, the two of us were nearing the door.

"Not yet. The first thing we need to do is perform a respondio. Set up the preparations." As we barged in, we were greeted by our confused and sleepy-eyed subjects, and that included my friends'.

"At once, Grand Magus." I nodded, and Vera was off to our office.

"Everyone prepare the altar. Get the necessary requirements for a respondio. We have to do this immediately." I watched everyone as they nodded and walked towards the door or the altar. With the exception of Angus. He stood still in front of me, his eyes filled with challenge and defiance. Vera, who only exited the office, witnessed what the acolyte was attempting to do.

"Do as the Temple Magus ordered." Her tone was an obvious warning.

Angus clenched his jaw. "I don't consider him my Temple Magus. He doesn't deserve to be a leader of this Order. He's not worthy of being a part of us."

"Are you challenging my authority, Mr. Carter?" I witnessed Vera's eyes glint with malice. I had to put an end to this.

"I can take it from here, Grand Magus." I turned from Vera to Angus. "Now, acolyte, tell me how much it matters to you to be in this Order?"

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" He was appalled by the suggestion in my voice.

"Am I?" I retorted. "If this opportunity was so important to you, then why do you constantly choose to squander your chances? You're dismissed."

He let out a disgruntled chuckle. "From what?"

That was my chance to finally get rid of a constant annoyance. All I had to do was say the words, but it would not have been fair. His sentiments were something that I fully understand. His distrust and suspicions justified. So, taking away something he's worked hard for because of something that's out of his control felt wrong. But he needed to get with the program and the only way I could even have a chance to get to him is by being the kind of Temple Magus who gives chances.

"Temple duties. Indefinitely." I voiced out my decision. "You can use the time away to rethink the actions you have committed and the consequences of disobeying the very rules of this Order. Silence, subservience, and observance."

It was evident how surprised he was by my leniency due to his unmoving state. Vera snapped him out of it. "What are you waiting for, Mr. Carter? You may see yourself out."

Once the incantation was completed, Vera returned to her own obligations while I took the time to check in on The Knights along with Nicole.

Randall was the first to try to confirm what just happened. "Hey, guys. You heard the ringing, right? I wasn't crazy?"

"Yeah. Alyssa heard it, too." Jack seconded.

"Right. I forgot she's alive now." Gabrielle scoffed, which earned her a bewildered squint from him. "What? I might have felt guilty after being forced to commit murder, but I still don't trust her."

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