Lost and Found- Part 2 of 2 (TW: Emotional abuse and manipulation)

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"Thank you again for letting me stay here..."

"Don't mention it kid, just think of it as an indefinite... uh, what's it called again?"

"Sleepover!" Luz chimed in excitedly, hugging her pillow to her chest as she bounced in the cushion of the redwood chair. She never let her optimism fade, even when she had heard the reason for Amity's sudden arrival. After all, the young apprentice remembered how much her friend despised pity, and now didn't seem like the time to make her uncomfortable.

"What she said." Eda waved her hand and lounged in her own pine-green couch, relaxing after a long walk of questioning and second-guessing, followed then by a silence that lasted about 10 minutes. That girl asked 'Are you sure?' so many times that it was beginning to make her head hurt... and her heart. There was no point in worrying now, she was smiling again. "If I didn't want you here, believe me, I wouldn't have offered or even let you step a foot in that door."

"I know... I just- nevermind." She didn't know what she had done to deserve it, that was her question. Instead of continuing, Amity stopped herself with a smile and a soft chuckle, moving her eyes down to the cup in her hands. The heat from the drink was a welcomed change to the bitter cold from outside, like its own little blanket that she could lose herself in. "I just appreciate it is all."

"Hey, don't look so down Amity, this is going to be fun!" Luz practically sprang over to the other side of the lounge chair, almost spilling the tea in the young witch's hand in the process.  She sat beside her with a stretched grin from ear to ear, looking up at the ceiling in an excited wonder, ideas running through her head at a million thoughts per minute. There was a bright side to every situation, and she was going to help Amity find hers. "We'll get to see each other every day, we can study together for school, mess around, and we can stay up every night reading Azura! We can have the Azura book club here instead!"

"Y-yeah..." Sheepishly brushing her seafoam tresses behind her ear, Amity returned Luz's sentiment with a soft smirk, not realising the faint crimson rising in her pale cheeks. It hadn't even occurred to her how closely her and Luz were sitting, both sharing the arm of the chair and laying against the plush padding. She raised her drink to her lips and took a quiet sip, letting the sweetness of the tea soothe her and the gentle warmth embrace her. With hope shining in her eyes, she joined her friend in staring up at the ceiling, her worries melting away in the tranquility. "I think I'm going to like it here."

Knock knock knock.

"Now who in the Boiling Isles could that be at this hour?" Eda stared over at the door with an inquisitive tilt of her head, groaning in annoyance as she put her cup down on the unstable table. She wasn't expecting anyone, and she didn't know anyone who would bother trying to capture her this late at night. Even then, the outlaw begrudgingly got up and stepped over to the door with a huff, scratching the side of her woolen jumper. If it was Lilith again, she swears to all nine covens-

"Wait! Don't open the-"

Oh no.

It was too late.

"Amity!" Two unfamiliar figures barged through the door as soon as it opened, the atmosphere of the room freezing up immediately. Just their poise and presence was enough to make the colour drain from Amity's already fair skin, her breath catching in her tightening throat. The woman locked eyes with the young prodigy, the wood beneath her feet creaking with her violent steps. "There you are."

Before Mrs. Blight could reach her trembling daughter, Eda stepped between them protectively, her staff aimed at the mother in warning. Not now. The tension peaked in the living room, the silent stand down radiating with anger and fear. It's alright, stand firm and stay strong- she repeated that phrase in her head like a mantra, both for herself and for Luz and Amity, hoping that somehow they could hear her.

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