"He's not good with-" lying "- talking in large groups," Adrian dismisses.

"He seems confident in class," Grell frowns. "Perhaps I should check on him,"

Adrian is out of his seat faster than the speed of light. "I'll do it,"

His legs burn with how fast he walks.

Thankfully, they're alone in the large bathroom. Adrian bangs loudly on the closed stall door. "What the Hell was that?!"

Ronald opens the door, filling the room with a hideous stench. "This is wrong, Adrian... we should stop this,"

"You're nervous, that's fine. Then bail, and let me handle this!"

"You promised me a reward!"

"One you won't get if you back out now,"

"I'll tell Grell-"

Adrian jumps him with the same speed at which he left the group, slamming Ronald into the cubicle, forcing him down on the toilet. His long hand wraps around Ronald's throat with room to spare. "Listen to me, and listen good. This isn't the first time I've done this,"

Ronald's eyes widen in surprise.

"That's right. I know what I'm doing. So trust me. And if you don't, I'll ruin your life and Othello's, Grell's too. So take the path of lesser evil, alright?"

Ronald nods, a tiny whimper escaping his throat. Adrian releases him, seeing slight red marks appear on his neck. He fishes in his bag for a scarf. "Here, cover up,"

Ronald does, the scarf cool and soothing against his irritated skin.

By the time they return to the table, Othello has joined, now sitting in Adrian's seat. He curls up his lip.

"Are you feeling alright?" Grell asks Ronald, the frown still present and her brow furrowed with worry.

"I'm not well... I must have eaten something," Ronald croaks out a weak excuse. "I'll see you for class on Monday, alright?"

"Don't overexert yourself" Othello smiles. "I'll understand if you can't come on Monday, I won't mark you absent,"

He's such a kind man... this is a mistake. "Thanks," Ronald quickly darts out the window.

Adrian takes Ronald's pervious seat, feeling dethroned from beside his boyfriend. However, despondence diffuses to sadistic pleasure when Grell and William exchange whispers across the table. But Othello doesn't even seem to care that he's being excluded from their conversation, the benevolent man obliviously eating his sushi in a childishly clumsy manner.

"Don't you know how to use chopsticks?" Adrian quirks an eyebrow, making a soft expression.

"I only started eating Asian food in my thirties," Othello explains with an apologetic smile. "It's a difficult skill to learn in adulthood..."

"Maybe you just weren't taught right," Adrian smiles and walks over, standing over Othello from behind. I could poison his food, I could attack him when we leave... but I want to ruin his life, not kill him. I must get him to trust me. "Take this one and hold it like a pencil,"

Othello does, expertly.

"Now place this one between your ring finger and, er... last finger," 'pinkie' is too cute a word for Adrian. Othello complies, and feel more confident in holding them this way.

"It's difficult to get the angle, but try to push them together by moving the pencil one down,"

Othello manages to pick up a small clump of rice, holding it long enough to eat. "Wow! I haven't been able to do that before... thanks,"

"You're welcome," Adrian smiles, but if Othello could see his eyes behind the curtain of hair, he'd know its really a smirk.


Adrian and Vincent sit in their dorm room, the latter filling out some business reports while Adrian rests his head against the wall, his eyes closed. Contemplating.

Vincent's pencil taps the desk, gaining Adrian's attention.

"That was altruistic of you," he doesn't turn to look at his silver-haired boyfriend.

"Your point?"

"Don't get yourself into trouble, love,"

"I won't,"

Vincent spins around in his chair, forcing Adrian to look at him. "Do you promise?"

"I promise,"

"Then when your plan is over, I expect you to tell me everything,"


Vincent quirks an eyebrow.

"Yes, sir,"

Adrian closes his eyes again. William loves Grell, and she loves him. But she also has love for her professor. And he has the utmost fondness for her. Though I despise Othello, I cannot deny his benevolence. He wouldn't suspect Grell, neither would I in his position. But with his innocence comes trust, the susceptibility for corruption. I will corrupt him into hating Grell. Like a sponge, Othello will absorb my lies. Othello will regard Grell with the purest vitriol, I'll make sure of that.

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