2 : Trade ins

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"Still strong enough, yet the half-life of this doze should not last this long, perhaps it's the dosage that's wrong? No, no..." the voices on Rachel's head beginning to fade in. She forced her eyes to open little by little, letting the light stroke her iris. Her vision was blurry but she noticed a man in white coat in front of her, he sighed then said "She should have metabolized this by now". Rachel coughed because her throat was sore and a headache compiled on her head, she looked back at the man which were standing behind the chair. "There we are. It's about time you woke up" he stated.

Rachel searched her surroundings, it wasn't Luna's home anymore. More like an underground basement. Or, a panic room? It was tight, no window. Just a door and she could see an ashtray for smoking on the table. "I admit, I'm no master chemist but one wouldn't expect the average doze of midazolam would have such a lingering effect on a woman of your age. It's not like you're that old" he said. Rachel was still a bit dizzy to open her mouth, her head was stilk heavy. She reached for the spot on the back of her ear, but when she touched it it was painful. Like a bruise. "I hope you're still capable of speech despite the effects, i hear euphoria is one of them. So you're welcome" he continued.

"Don't tell me, you fucking drugged me-"

"Oh, only enough to drag your body out of the house and take you all the way down here. It's easier to talk business when we're alone. Wouldn't want someone to interrupt our conversations, would we?" he cut her.

"What the FUCK do you mean?! Where are we?! And what do you want-" Rachel yelled.

"Ashshshshshsh. Let's begin with the introductions..."

Are you fucking serious with this guy? Rachel mumbled to her mind, she can't believe this. What is wrong with the man in front of her, introductions? What is this a theater play? ".....Seeing as how i already know so much about you, Rachel, it would be rude to keep you further in the dark. My name is Tanner, and it's a pleasure" he continued. Rachel didn't budge a bit, this, psychopath, on her presence, was crazy. She wasn't satisfied with the situation, clearly still confused of where she was. "I don't care who you are, just tell me what you want" she replied.

"By the tremble in your voice i can tell that you're worried about being violated and beaten, perhaps eaten alive?..." not going to lie about that, Rachel's hands and feet were shaking. She was terrified. She was afraid to die before knowing who the Blue Blood killer was. "....Understandable, given all the vile, incompetent people you've uncovered so far" he continued.

"Im not gonna beg you to let me go because that won't work...Just tell me what you want"

"Hopefully, we won't be here long. Now tell me, you've spent so much time investigating crime scenes; homicides, suicides, hit and runs, and for what?" he asked, she was furious. She knew it was a rhetorical question, but still. "What do you mean for what? I've made progress-"

"But you still don't know who he is" he cut her sentence. She knew who he was talking about, she knew who he was referring to. She looked away from him, avoiding eye contact and try very hard to not play in his game. When she looked back, Tanner was already on the side of the table, looking at Rachel. "Drugs will be wearing off very soon Rachel. But i have a funny feeling you'll wanna stay right where you are, won't you?" he asked.

"The Blue Blood killer" she mentioned.

"The very same"

She noticed his facial features within up close, his hazel eyes were clear and his lips was softer than a bar of coconut soap. His eyebrows were thick and naturally neat, not to mention his hair too. No wonder most of his victims were women, he could just attach one with no problem. She was tensed but she shook it off, after all, he's a wanted bad man. "Why would you help me discover his identity? Why should i even trust a murderer?" Rachel asked sarcasticly.

"I haven't killed you have i? Aside from the little himetoma beneath your ear and some lingering, very mild effects of the sedative i injected, I've been rather kind. Generous, don't you think?"

"Answer the damn question"

He chuckled, "Well, of course it's not for free. Everything has it's price".

"Name your price"

"Hide and seek was never my favorite game. I really just don't like the rules, where you hide all the time until the seekers found you. I prefer hiding at the place where people already claimed it as their hiding spot, and shine them out to the seekers"

"You think you could just ask me to change all the information about your B.O.L.O. , and throw it to other people's responsibility? No, i don't think so" she stood up and charged straight at him, which he easily avoid it. She noticed the folder behind him and tried to grab it, but her hand was stopped and flipped over as she's now facing the wall. Pinned by him, she could feel his breath beside her ear.

"Ah ah ah, not so fast. You're very strong, the drugs was supposedly last a couple of minutes more. But clearly your mind was stronger than your body"

"Get off of me!" she commanded.

"Alright" he stepped back, she was gasping for air as she coughed all the way through. She was confused why he did what she told him to do. She spun her head to see him already standing on the other side of the table. "Well i guess you can say goodbye to your precious evidence then" he pulled out a lighter and turned the flicker, a spark of fire appeared and he leaned it closer to the document. "No! Wait!" Rachel shouted while her hand stopped him from afar.

"Hm?" he paused his action.

"Please, I'll do it. I'll do anything you ask, just don't burn it. I beg you" she somehow convinced him, because the second after the words let out from her mouth, he lowered down the lighter while still smirking. "Anything is better than just one thing. Because any words about this whether to the police, or even to Luna. Can cause a fatal, major mistake Rachel. Don't forget that, because you won't be the one to experience the cause" he said. It was a threat, to Rachel. She widened her eyes and gritted her teeth. She knew what he was talking about, she knew who he meant. She slammed the table, "If you lay even a strand of hair on Luna, I'll destroy your face god won't even recognize you" she stated.

"Im an atheist, cut me to pieces sweetheart" he chuckled. Suddenly Rachel's head was feeling like the room was spinning, she slowly lost her balance. The drugs' effect came. Her eyes began to blur but she still had enough power to stand. Tanner approached her and lifted her chin up. He gazed his eyes up and down her face, from her eyes to her lips and back again. "You're very beautiful Rachel, I'll give you two weeks to do your task. When the time comes, I'll give the information your dearly soul desire" she sharpened her stare towards him before being injected with his syringe. Instantly everything went black after she fell in his arms.

"See you next time, Rachel" the voice faded as Rachel's eyes were shut.

To be continued
Back again with another chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment for more!

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