Chapter 6- Plan

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I stayed up all night thinking and I think I finally found a solution

I would go to shield without letting any of my mates know and I would ask Fury to help

And if they find a way to remove it without killing me then great

But if they can't and I live my life freely for the reminder of my 24 hours then I end my life

Yea It's a full proof plan

Ok fine it's not but I don't really have another choice so it's all or nothing

The next couple days I acted normal as if there was nothing out of the ordinary

I acted like the cold hearted stone wall I always am here

On Wednesday night before I went to bed Madam introduced me to someone

"Valentina, this is Chase, he is the strongest agent we have here at Hydra. He will also be the father of the new Widow" Madam B tells me happily

"Hey babe, we're gonna have one hell of a sexy baby" this Chase guy says with a smirk

I hide my disgust and resist the urge to pop him right in the face

I show no emotion and keep my stone cold face, I also make no effort to respond to the disgusting comment he just made

"Whats wrong with my bitch, did you give me a defected one or something? Why isn't the talking?" Chase asks Madam B with some edge

Sis did he just call me his bitch?

"Oh she is just like that, very professional, but willing to do anything for Hydra" Madam B tells him smiling

"I bet I could get her to talk. If you let us conceive this baby naturally I bet I could make her scream" He says cockily

It takes everything in me not to rip his dick off and feet it to him

"Now now Chase, I already explained that there is a higher chance for her to become pregnant if we inseminate her instead, but you'll have your chance after the Widow is born" She says putting a hand on his shoulder sympathetically

"Madam I have my mission early tomorrow, I should retire and get some rest" I tell her politely keeping in all my emotions

"Of course dear, I will see you tomorrow before your mission" she says

I don't waste a second before making a straight b-line towards my room

This was bad, even for Hydra

Never mind I take it back, Hydra has probably done far worse things

It infuriated me that Madam B would let Chase talk about me like that, and then sympathize with him because he can't rape me

And if that wasn't bad enough she keeps referring to this child as a Widow, she won't even call it a baby

Yea I definitely need to get out of here

I've been kept in this hell hole for long enough so even if Fury isn't able to help me I help myself

I have no fear to ending my life

And that's exactly what I'll do if it comes to it

When I leave tomorrow, I leave for good, this is my only chance to escape

Tomorrow's mission's timeframe is 15 hours, so that's plenty of time for me to make contact with Fury

I go to bed making sure I have all my steps planned out

The next morning I wake up at 6:30am

I get ready in my catsuit and grab my weapons

2 daggers on my thighs, 2 behind my belt in the back, and 2 guns in the holsters

I also make sure to take a ton of bullets just incase

Once I'm sure I have everything I do to the room where I'll get my briefing

"Good morning Agent 12, today's mission is an assassination in London, here is the file. You have 15 hours, we will provide you transport to London burg your on your own from their" the man with short back hair says

I nod, grab the file and go to the jets

A couple outs later we land in London

"Your time starts now, good luck Agent 12" the pilot says

I go into the crowded city and hide amping dark alleyways

After about 30 minutes I find a phone booth

I go in and dial the number that took me ages to find

"Director Fury?" I said when I heard breathing on the other side of the line

"Who is this, how did you get this number?" he says with his usual monotone voice

"How many people do you know from Russia with a British accent" I say sarcastically

"Valentina?" He asks shock even dent in his voice

"The one and only" I say with a genuine smile
Quick clarification, in Hydra Valentina is not know a by her name but as Agent 12. Only Madam B called her by her name

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