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⚠️ This may be triggering to some so read with caution

Today I had to wake up to several news and social media alerts, each one stating that one of my worse nightmares has come true.

Women in several states have officially lost the right to their own bodies. Our basic human rights have been taken away by mainly old white men who coincidentally will never have financial problems, always have the means to take care of themselves and most importantly, will never have to know what it is like to be pregnant, let alone having an unwanted pregnancy.

My parents struggled and suffered for more than half of their live's to come to America to provide a better life for their children. People don't want to hear this, but right now, I would have more rights in the third world country my parents are from.

Did you all know that the Taliban (yes the extremists terrorist group) has less strict abortion laws than Texas? Search it up.

I am outraged that America is taking steps backwards.

I hope everyone understands that this will not put an end to abortions, it will only make them dangerous for everyone.

Growing up I was so proud to be American, but today I am disgusted and wish I could renounce that part of myself.

Every woman who is confused as to what to do now, visit THREE FOR FREEDOM

America is no longer the land of the free.

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