Episode 19 - Kai in Crisis! The Apple Warrior's Debut!

Start from the beginning

Sakura: ...Oh, I hope Kuroh warned Yu and Lady Michiko on time.


Yuuta and Michiko are still present out in the battlefield, where they are both surprised after receiving the terrible news from Kuroh.

Yuuta: What do you mean Kai is under attack!?

Michiko: ...Of course. Why haven't I figured this out sooner? They drew our attention out here, leaving us completely vulnerable.

Yuuta: We need to head back! Yukimura and the others-!

Mitsunari: It's no use, Takeda's armored rider.

Yuuta: Eh?

Mitsunari: Even if you head back, it is already too late.

Michiko brings the spear closer towards Mitsunari.

Michiko: Brave words for someone who is defeated. But it doesn't mean you get to walk away, we shall take you prisoner where you will-.

However, as Michiko was about to finish her words, she sensed a presence of a katana about to strike her.

It turned out to be Nobuyuki, who survived Yuuta's fight with him.

Michiko managed to block the katana with her spear just in time.

Michiko: What!?

For a moment, they locked themselves with their blades, but then they stepped back at the ready.

However, Nobuyuki is actually carrying the Injured Mitsunari around his shoulder.

Nobuyuki: ...It's just as Mitsunari said. You may have won today's battle, but in the end you lost the war. ...Everyone, prepare to retreat!

As the Oda and Toyotomi samurai and Kurokages recovered, they began to retreat. Following Nobuyuki and Mitsunari withdrawing from the field as well.

Yuuta: Hey-!

Michiko: No, wait. It's too late to pursue them at this point. We need to hurry and regroup with the others.

Yuuta: R-Right. Yukimura and everyone else are in trouble.

Michiko: All forces, report to everyone to regroup. We are retreating as well!

Kurokages: YES!!!

Yuuta: Come on Kuroh, let's go too!

Kuroh: *bark*!

With that, Yuuta brought out his Sakura Blossom and rode back to Kai as fast as he could.

Along with Michiko riding her horse, Kuroh running by Yuuta's side, and the rest of their Kurokage army following them from behind in their Sakura Blossom motorcyles and horses.


The chaos and destruction created by the Oda and Tokugawa forces continue to spread through the village.

There, we see Itou, the young boy who told Yuuta about the Mother Tree a while back.

Right now, he's desperately running for his life while searching for his father.

Itou: *pant**pant*Daddy! Daddy!

However, as he continues to run, another watermelon mech crashed landed almost right on top of him.

Although he survived, Itou has a hard time getting back up.

Watermelon-Mech: Armored Mode!

Itou saw in horror as the mech transformed and was about to crush him.

As soon as he was about to be crushed he was caught and brought out of the way just in time.

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