°Character Introduction°

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Name: Y/N Uchiha (Uzumaki is her original last name)
Parents: Haruki Uzumaki (Father)
Mayumi Uchiha (Mother)
Afflication: Village Hidden in the Leaves
Current Ninja Rank: Jonin
Registered Ninja #: 014253
Date of Birth: August 19
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 169cm
Weight: 55.5kg
Blood Type: O
Favorite Foods: Ichiraku Ramen, Omelet mixed with cheese or potatoes, Green Vegetables
Least Favorite Foods: Eggplants, salt, strong alcohols, animal livers, shrimps, fish
Hobby: Sleeping, Reading (Make-out Paradise series)
Assignments Completed: 139 D-rank, 180 C-rank, 369 B-rank, 159 A-rank, 50 S-rank

‹Some Facts›
• Y/N doesn't find Kushina as her Aunt, she finds her as her sister.
• Y/N loved Ichiraku ramens for decades.
• Y/N is 4 years younger than Kakashi.
• She would eat 20-50 bowls of Ichikaru ramen when she's stressed or tired.
• Learned her first jutsu at the age of 5.
• She awakened her Sharingan when she was 7.
• First Uzumaki with Sharingan.
• Like Naruto, she isn't a redhead. She inherited her father's hair color. (Which is Blue, like Sasuke's)
• Hates dresses.
• Finds Make-Out Paradise entertaining.
• Knows the reason why Kakashi wears a mask.
• Hates it when her cousins calls her Sensei or Senpai.
• Never judged or thought Naruto as a Monster.
• Y/N learned the Chidori, by herself
• Y/N mastered both Chidori and Rasengan.
• Y/N would never get tired of hanging out with Kakashi 24/7.
• She became a Chunin at 6.
• She became a Jonin at 14.
• Joined the Anbu-Black-Ops at 16.
• Needs hugs when not feeling well.
• Hates/Scared of insects. (sometimes gets paranoid or traumatized when sees one)
• Hates it when Guy is really loud while he's next to her.
• Her ears are sometimes sensitive.
• Sometimes short tempered.
• 3 of the Legendary Sannins were her previous senseis. (Tsunade: when she was 8, only lasted for 4 months. Orochimaru: when she was 10, lasted for 4 years and 6 months, he was Orochimaru's favorite. Jiraiya: when she was also 8, lasted for 5 months.)
• Has failed 3 squads and has passed none.
• Hates low ranked missions.
• Accidentally picked up Orochimaru's hobby. Which is making jutsus.
• Can't hate Orochimaru for a reason.

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