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I love the sound of you walking away,
You walking away,


Chun- Hei entered the room, as to be expected. To my surprise, she was empty-handed. No Mr. Oh.

He was in here a few minutes ago, to undo my straight jacket and sit me at Chun-Hei and I's therapy table, then left. Now, she was here, seated in front of me, alone, no restraints.
I felt the corners of my lips smirk upwards, devilishly, quickly, I hid my crazed facial expression by slamming my forehead into the table. I wanted to laugh hysterically, just like the manic they proclaimed me as.

She was just making this too damn easy!

I lifted my head up from the table, and seeing the fear in Chun Hei's eyes as well as her sweet little gasp told me I still looked like a horrendous monster. A little chuckle did escape my lips.
That's when a bead of sweat dripped down the side of her face, and she swallowed back her fear.

"H-how are we doing today, m-mr. Ackerman?"
She asked, trying to upkeep her professional and mature womanly voice, but let me tell you, she failed miserably.

"Do you know I hate that last name?"
I grumbled angrily in under my breath. She still heard me however, she perked up like an obedient little dog at the sound of their own name. Her face urged me to continue.

I hung my head, staring down into my white clothed lap, chuckling once again.
"I didn't even know my own last name till Kenny came back into the picture."

"And who is this Kenny?"
She had asked, chin propped up on her folded hands. She looked at me with her sheer innocence, surely I couldn't ruin it with that bad man.

I lifted my hand from below the table, my thumb caressed the underlining of her chin. Instantly she froze in under my touch like a rock.
I leaned over the table, bringing my face just a few centimetres away from hers, where I breathed out warmly onto her lips,
"A very bad man, you don't need to be dirtied by."

With that, I leaned back into my chair, almost tipping over it over due to the immerse body weight, however I caught my balance before I could.
She was star stuck, I knew that.
She was unable to move, I liked that.

She cleared her throat, her eyes searching aimlessly in under at the table below her.
"W-was he a family member?"

"yeah, I thought he might've been my dad first, then he told me he was just my stupid uncle, my mom's brother."
"Do you hate Kenny?"
"Oh yes, very much I even killed him."
That was a lie of course, a dramatic overreaction to what actually happened.

I sinisterly laughed at her facial expression of pure disgust and horror.
"Please! In that world it was kill or be killed!"
And before I knew it, I was laughing like crazy.

God! It felt good to laugh this much at such a pathetic and traumatic experience.
I laughed. And laughed some more.
The laughter echoed off the walls, almost creating a second person's voice.

"M-m-mr. A-Ackerman?"
"Didn't I just tell you I hate that name!?"
I laughed, banging my hands on the table in pure happiness, like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Oh god! I killed my uncle! And I killed all those other little pathetic brats on his team too! And when Annie squashed my squad, I had no remorse in my body!"
Another laughter.

"Oh! Oh! And what's the funniest thing ever!! People thought I cared when Petra died! Haha! They truly thought I cared and I was just suppressing my emotions! But quite honestly I was glad the little shit whore was gone!"
"P-please sir! Too many new names at a time! Please do try to calm down!"

But I couldn't clam down.
I hugged myself around my stomach, feeling the explosion of happiness sprouting from my body, my stomach shaking from it.

I really was a god. I killed so many innocent people for such a shitty outcome.
I'm a god. No, I'm not a god, I'm the god.

Her chair clashed onto the floor, as she rushed over to me from the other side of the white table.
"S-sir, are your alright!?"

I stopped my comical laughing abruptly. That frightened her enough.
Then, I glared at her, through my dull, sharp grey eyes, showing no emotion. Now she was terrified.
"What do you even do here, you little bitch? Are you even useful to this facility?"

"I-I'm a therapist. I talk to my patients to understand their mental state. I-I d-diagnose them and th-then give a treatment plan for the d-doctors."

Ah, her pretty little face. Stuttering all over the place as she feared the side of me I had just shown her.
She sat below me, her glaze looking at the dirty floor. What an interesting view.
I smirked to myself, placing my thumb in her mouth, strongly holding onto her jaw. I forced her to look at me, her eyes glossy with pure anxiety.

"And do you really think you'll magically fixed us all with just some simple talking, my dear Chun Hei?"
My increasing force clenching her jaw open, had made her simply nod at my question.

This world is too cruel for her, if she truly believes that.

I trailed off, my other free hand wrapped her neck, squeezing so slightly.
"You can't."

I let go off her.
Her swift motion of running over to the corner in haste, startled me.

"Code Red! Code Red!"
She hollered nervously, her body pressed tightly into the corner that Mr. Oh usually stood in.

I chuckled yet again, standing up from my chair. I held open my arms, widely, offering a warm, friendly hug, slowly making my way over to her.

"Aw, what's W—"
With that, I shoved into the ground harshly from behind, by four other men, one being Mr. Oh. They forcibly redid my straight jacket up, obviously in a rush.

I growled in disgust, hearing as Chun Hei let out a painful cry.

Eventually, the disruption had calmed down.
Chun Hei grabbed her belongings, while Mr. Oh held the door open for her.

She bowed to me, as I sat on my bed, beaten from the others.
"Tomorrow will be your first Electroconvulsive Therapy session."

And with that, she left.

It's not like I care.

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