"I'm sorry I'm holding you up," she says exiting the car and allowing the man to walk with her until they were standing at a door. He didn't knock but let himself in with a key.

Inside the small apartment, Charlie glared at them from the couch while they entered and when she saw Cassie she gave a friendly smile. It wasn't as enthusiastic but soft. The older girl could tell that the gravity of the dilemma had gripped her too. No one she knew was left unaffected.

Raye comes to greet them upon hearing the door open, strolling up casually with her hands inside the pockets of her sweatpants. The dark circles beneath her eyes were evidence that she was not resting at all and it. Was something Cassie related too but pitied.


"Let me guess, he brought you to come talk to me, right?" Raye begins to say, not even waiting for there to be any formal greetings. "I was just filling Charlie in on all of it," she gestures to the abnormally silent girl. She felt somewhat awful for her intensions but it was necessary, the thing she planned.

"So, she might've known I was coming," Cassie replies but at Luca who only remained silent. He walked further into the room and took a seat right next to Charlie.

"I'm not changing my mind. I made that decision because Luca was never going to allow us to do such a thing."

"He has a reason. That Junior, Quinn or whatever his name is, is dangerous and he could potentially hurt both of you if you do this."

"Then do you have another proposition, a better one?"

"I know what Brie would want me to say. She'd want me to tell you to not be an idiot. What's the use getting her back if you may not even be here, do you want her to grieve forever? We already lost our fucking brother Raye and that's hard enough, so don't be daft."

That wasn't the first time Raye had heard Cassie speak in such a manner but it was the first that it was directed to her and she was shocked. Usually, the girl was too sweet to even speak with a raised voice yet she was telling her not to be an idiot in a room with her uncle and an extended member of her possè.

"What other choice do I have? Quinn wants either of us to take the money," Raye speaks directly to her uncle but the other two women listened quietly, watching her through their hooded lids.

"You know I can't gamble with her life like that. I'll take the risk with mine any day. She has a family that absolutely wants her back, I don't. The only thing I want is having her back, so I will risk it. Even if it means that I have to walk through walls, levitate, walk on water, dodge bullets and tear limbs from bodies, I will do it, for her." She states firmly, a glossy coating over her eyes sealed her words. They stamped like a super sticky adhesive to an equally embracing surface.

The room remains quiet as they all digested the seriousness in Raye's tone. She was adamant and driven into the primeval urges of a lover, of someone who cared. She was vexed, territorial and in the constant mood to lot out what was due to those who disrupted the peace in her life. She wanted to kill.

"So what are we gonna do?" Charlie chimed in and her question lingers. No one really knew what to do except Raye, she wasn't changing her mind.

"What if I go there with you, to sort of ensure that Brie doesn't get hurt?"

"That's too risky. You're inexperienced and we'd never ask you to put your life on the line like that." Luca states, his thick brows knitted in a frown.

"Well, you guys need to come up with a plan because you only have a day and a couple of hours left. Brienna deserves to come home and she deserves for boss to be there."

The tall girl thought of it, the pros and cons of having Charlie be there to make sure that Brie didn't get hurt. She had to admit it was another form of suicide but it wouldn't only be her but she knew they needed to strategically have some of the guys to help her out. Raye never intended to go alone but going there was sort of like going alone. She'd have to act like she was and knowing Quinn he certainly already figured her plans as well.

"The only way he's getting that money is until he allows her to leave, so someone needs to be there to take care of her during that time and who better than the both of you?" Raye says eyeing both her uncle and the blonde-haired younger girl. Charlie perks up in her seat and her uncle shakes his head disapprovingly.

"I can understand me being there but putting Charlie?"

"I just need both of you to do it. Charlie drives and you shoot motherfuckers that get in the way?" Raye arches a brow and it quelled her uncle's questioning. He sat back into the seat, weighing the words in his mind and he had to agree it was a solid plan but he still didn't want Charlie to be there.

Raye could see Luca still having a hard time digesting what she said so she spoke again, much more firmly.

"It's either you agree or I'm not even allowing either of you near that place." She left no room for negotiation. They were either going to do it or she'd have to face the devil on her own. Raye had no problem facing the devil on her own, she did it countless times and survived though, with a lot of scars to prove it but in the coming hours, she had no intentions of obtaining scars. She was going to get Brienna back whilst walking away unscathed.

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