Another Hit

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I didn't think about it again until school was out and I was running to the bus, but slowed to a crawl when I saw Lance standing outside my bus. Lance, Misti and I rode the bus together in elementary, but once he reached junior high he stopped riding. His mom drove him now so I was shocked to see him. Yet, here he was getting on in front of me and to make matters worse, Josh was standing beside him!

I stopped at the first empty seat when I got on the bus after them and stared out the front windshield. Lance made wisecracks and Josh laughed right along with him. The bus driver got on to them a few different times but they seemed intent on continuing. At one stop, the bus driver hollered that he was not moving again unless they separated. I could hear footsteps walking up from the rear. There was an empty seat in front of me and Josh plopped down causing me to jump slightly out of surprise.

"Sorry, Bree. Did I scare you?" he asked teasingly.

"No," I smiled.

"I guess I'm in trouble. It is a good thing I don't have to ride this bus everyday," he said.

"Probably so. Why are you and Lance riding the bus anyway?" I asked.

"His mom had to do something and we have a science project, so I just rode home with him to get some work done," he explained.

"I wanted to thank you for getting the guys off my back earlier today. I know they probably gave you a hard time for that," I said quietly.

"Don't worry about it. They had it coming," he said. "How's your hand feeling?"

"Not bad. I took pain pills all weekend and today it hasn't really hurt. I just cannot believe I'm stuck with this stupid thing," I replied waving my cast upwards.

"Don't worry, it'll go by fast. If I were you, I would take advantage of it," he stated.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked.

"Well, I saw your books being carried around a couple of times today. That could be nice," he reasoned, but I did not hear him. All I heard was Josh had noticed me.

"I guess," I said and smiled at him.

He returned my smile and I thought I would melt right there on the spot.

"Are you guys ready for the tournament?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think we have a shot at making it to the finals. Are you going to be at the games this week?"

"I won't dress out obviously, but I'll be on the bench playing cheerleader."

"I'm sure Avery and the girls will appreciate the help," he replied.

"You guys seem to be doing really well," I blurted.

"I guess so. I'm not really into all this relationship stuff," he revealed.

"I know. Who has the patience for that?" I asked.

"Exactly," he said with a surprised tone. "Most girls don't get that."

"Sometimes I think Misti is losing her mind. Then she gets mad at me because I don't take things seriously," I said.

"Well Bree, it sounds like you might be the smartest girl in school," he stated.

"Whatever you say, Josh," I smiled letting him know I thought he was being silly.

"I'm serious. You keep that attitude and you're going to have guys lined up," he insisted just as the bus started to slow for our stop.

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