"Hey, sweetie," he said as he embraced me.

"Hi Dad," I replied and squeezed him as tight as I could. "Where's everyone else?"

"Oh, they stayed home; it can be quite an ordeal to load everyone up for a car trip. It's easier this way. Plus, I get to see you alone for a while."

He threw his hand on my shoulder and started to guide me to the baggage pick up. After several stops, we finally got home to dinner ready on the table.

"Look how tall you are!" Lisa exclaimed. "No wonder you play basketball."

"Yeah, I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for my height," I said just as little feet ran in the kitchen.


My 3-year-old sister Valerie was running towards me with the cutest smile. Following right behind was one-year-old Alison. I bent down to give them both hugs.

"Well, it looks like somebody's going to have a couple of shadows while she's here," said Lisa.

"That's fine with me," I pledged happily.

The next four days were a whirlwind of activity. The whole family went to an amusement park one day, the beach the next, and finally took the dirt bikes out for a weekend at the desert. My dad raced on the state circuit and bought me my first bike when I was only eight years old. I always loved going to the desert to ride with him. The morning of Christmas arrived and as usual my dad went overboard. We were just finished opening our presents and sitting around drinking hot chocolate when I spoke up.

"Thanks again for everything, guys. This has been a great visit," I announced.

"I'm glad, Sweetie. We just have one question for you," Dad said.

"What's that?" I inquired.

"We wanted to ask if you would consider living with us next year again. I know you said once you got to junior high, you wanted to stay in one school. You can still go back for your freshman year if you decide to, but who knows, you may decide you like the idea of graduating in southern Cali," he finished.

I looked back and forth between him and Lisa unsure what to say.

"Wow. That means a lot. You know I love being with you guys and the munchkins," I said looking at Valerie and Alison playing with their new toys by the tree. "Everything has just been going so well back home. I mean, with basketball and choir and everything."

"They have teams here, Bryonna," Lisa offered. "I know it's always hard to change schools, so we don't want to pressure you but the offer stands."

"Why don't you give it some thought? You don't have to make a decision while you're here. Go back home and finish out your year. We'll see how you feel in the summer," Dad suggested.

"Okay, I'll definitely think about it," I promised. There was no way I was leaving everything I had worked so hard for, but I didn't want to ruin Christmas or kill the vibe. 

I arrived back home with only one day to prepare for going back to school. I brought back gifts for Misti and could not wait to show her the clothes Lisa picked out for me. We chose our outfits for school the next day and tried them on for Mom.

Misti was wearing a dark green suede miniskirt with an adorable cropped sweater. The sweater was a cream color with a scoop neckline and long sleeves. It had a small green plaid pattern that ran horizontally through the center. The plaid matched her skirt perfectly. Her tights matched the cream in her sweater and she looked great.

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