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~Shuichi POV~
I was going to lunch when I get a call from a unknown number.


"Hello is this Shuichi Saihara?"


"Hi this is the hospital we wanted to inform you Kokichi Ouma lived the fall, although he is in an unstable condition. But he is well enough to be visited."

I drop my phone when I heard the news. He... lived? HE LIVED!

"I-I'll be right there."

"Alright bye bye."

Kaito stumbled into me since I was frozen. "Woah sidekick are you ok? Why are you frozen?" "Kokichi. He lived." His eyes widened "K-Kokichi lived? KOKICHI LIVED! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR LET'S GO!" We rush out of the crowd to the office to sign ourselves out. We get into Kaito's car and start zooming to the hospital. "I can't believe that that sidekick lived through that fall." "I know!" My voice was still shaky as hell since hearing the news. "I remember, going upstairs and hearing him singing. And when I got through the door he was gone. I remember collapsing to the ground at that sight, seeing his chair empty and him on the floor with his white hair stained pink. His eyes wide open. I will never forget that." tears start to fall from my eyes as I was saying that. "What was he singing?"
"I don't know, all I heard was 'despite myself I go and scream hey don't do, it please' " Kaito's eyes widened "I know that song! It goes like 'Just as I was about to take my shoes. Up on the rooftop there I see, a girl with braids waiting for me. Despite myself I go and scream hey don't do it please' " "Really?" I clearly knew what that song meant. "We're here!" as Kaito says pulling up to the hospital.

We park the car and rush inside. "Hi can I have 2 visiting passes for Kokichi Ouma?"

"Sure! Lincenses?"

We give the receptionist our lincenses and then she gives them back handing us visiting passes.

"7th floor room 705. Enjoy your visit!"

We go on the lift, and as we were waiting to get to the 7th floor, my stomach starts tumbling and doing flips. I was so relieved Kokichi was alive, but so worried for what he would look like. We get there and find room 705 where Kokichi was supposibly at. We entered and there he was. Lying there. His head was wrapped in a bandage where he had a wound. He was hooked up to machines and monitors. His hair was still pink. The heart monitor beeping. It was a saddening sight, but I was relieved to see him alive. Kaito looked at him with tears in his eyes. We got close to him and say down on the chairs. "Hey Kokichi, I'm glad that you're alive. Why did you jump? You could've *hic* died. You were lucky. I was up all night thinking about you. Even at school." I pull out his bandana " Shuichi when did you get his bandana?" "I took it off him last night." I put his bandana in his hand so he could hold it. His finger started twitching.

Kaito's eyes widened and so did mine as we saw his finger twitch. He open his eyes and blinks rapidly. "Shuichi! Kaito!" his eyes fill with happiness as he saw both of us there. My eyes started to fill with tears. I never imagined I would see him like this again. "Where am I? Am I in the afterlife? Wait so you guys DIED TOO?!?!? Wait where did my bandana come from? I thought it was on my neck when I died? Why are you crying? Both of you?" I smiled, I loved hearing his voice again, seeing him alive, seeing him smile. "Kokichi you aren't in the afterlife, we didn't die." His face turns into confusion " We aren't in the afterlife? So then whe-Oh we're in a hospital. Nishishi, silly ol' me thought we were dead." we all laughed but I had 2 questions to ask him.

"Kokichi can I ask you a few questions?"


"What were you singing?"

"Oh so you were the one who opened the door! Oh and I was singing a song that I thought was fitting for my death!"

"Was it one that goes 'Just as I was about to take my shoes, up on the rooftop there I see, a girl with braids waiting for me, despite myself I go and scream 'hey don't do it please' "

"Yeah it was that song the only thing different is instead of saying a girl with braids I said a boy with white hair since it describes me! Wait you were going through the door too?"

"No he wasn't it was only me, I just told him in the car what I heard."

"oh ok."

"and my last question is, why did you do it? What made you do it Kokichi?"

These question seemed to have his Kokichi hard. He didn't know how to reply.

"I uh I..."

"it's ok, you don't have to say why."


~Rantaro POV~
Last night Kokichi had commited suicide. He jumped off the 'school's building. He was laying there in a pool of blood. It was very saddening since I had been friends with Kokichi and known him since he was 5. I couldn't get Kokichi out of my head wince last night it was the last night we'd ever have with him, with his concert. Basically everyone who saw Kokichi dead was talking about him. He was like the gossip. I was at lunch thinking about Kokichi when I notice Shuichi's not there. I texted him. He didn't reply.

(Time skip to end of the day)

We had all come out of school when I got a call from Shuichi.

"Hey Shuichi."

"Rantaro get everyone and put me on speaker."

"uh ok."

I gather everyone and put him on speaker

"Hello? Can everybody hear me?"

"Loud and clear Pooichi!"
everyone agreed

"Hi everyone! Guess whaaaattttt I'M ALIVE!"
It was Kokichi's voice
everyone started cheering as they heard Kokichi's voice of him being alive.

"The reason me and Kaito weren't there for the rest of the day is because I had gotten a call from the hospital saying he was alive."

"Can we all go there Shuichi?"


Kokichi's voice calls from the background, we all laughed since it was nice knowing he was alive.

"Alright we'll see you there."

Hah! You guys thought I killed Cockitchy! I would never, he's my bby🥺 Anyway hope you enjoyed that plot twist!

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