Elijah Callen (7)

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i stand there, in my bathroom, looking down at the bath tub i just recently filled to the top. i'll strap myself under and i won't be able to get up, i'll drown, it's good, maybe the bleach will speed it up, Fin'll just think i'm getting a bath.....yeah, this is good.

i sit in the bath, my skin already stinging with irritation, my almost heald wounds burning, i push myself under the water, not taking a breath before so and ignoring the burning sensation as i strap myself down. 

my eyes burn insanely, my chest already aching, my head feeling dizzy....my body pulsates from the need of oxygen before i feel panic shread through my body, the need for air more powerful then the need to drown as i begin to kick and thrash around to try and get out of the tight grip the rope has on me.....this is why the rope is there, i did it purposfully because i knew my body would try to get out....i also knew i would panic and regret it, but i'll always remember how it feels to be the only alive one of my family.

my mind begins to black out, but right before then i feel the straps being loosened and then me being lifted out of the bath, i gasp for air before feeling myself throw up the bleach that snuck on past my lips, i'll die from bleach poisoning, it's fine, "Eli!" Fin scolds, he then pulls clothing onto me while me does that i feel my stomach burn, sickness bulding, i groan at the uncomfort and sickness before i do actually throw up, throwing up all over myself before blacking out.

i wake up, once again in my bed, that lady beside me again, "hi dear, how are you feeling?" she asks, i look away, my eyes still irritated, "your eyes will need some eye drops in them, cleaning out too!" she says, "i've already cleaned you up and flushed the bleach out of your system, but i'm afraid your hair has turned yellow!" she says and i let out a long breath.

"dye it white!" i say, may be changing my hair will make me less recognisable. 

"are you sure dear?" she asks softly, i nod, "okay then, i'll go for the dye!" she says and runs her hand through my damaged hair, which is slightly irritating but she leaves.

i look over to Fin who is stood leant against the wall looking pissed, "Eli, i know your hurting and are not in a good place, but you can't do shit like that, i'll keep you safe, damn it, just don't do stuff like that again, stay alive, even if it's just for me!" he says firmly and my eyes well with stinging tears, which fall quickly down my cheeks, he looks over to me, "Stay alive!" he repeats and i nod once.

"okay!" i whimper and he comes over to me, leaning down and hugging me, that's when theirs a loud bang, Fin shoots up and runs out.

"what the fuck are you doing?!" i hear him shout, i quickly, force myself to get up and run to where i know theirs a secret hole in the wall.

"Elijah, i know your in here somewhere!" i hear his taunting voice...the bed, i quickly rush over and make it before going to the door in the wall and opening it, locking myself inside silently.

"What do you mean? Elijah disapeard new years day, he was supposed to be working all new years but disapeard!" I hear Fin explain.

"stop lying to me!" theirs a bang and i stiffled cry, "Where is he?!" 

"I don't know, he could be dead for all i know, he's just a  fucking employee, i have loads, if he wants to run off without telling any of us, that's not my problem, it's his!" He whimpers, sounding so scared and panicked.

"If you see him, tell him, Hide and seek is for children-trash this place up!" after that their are a series of bangs and crashes, he's destroying his club....over me! "tell him i know i knocked him up too, this will be fun, hwo would he give birth when theirs no one to help him give birth? his dads dead after all!" his laugh get's further and further away before there is just silence.

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