Weston Vincent (6)

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i wake up to an alarm, then a few bangs...no, that's not an alarm, that's a phone ringing. i sit up and look to the side, seeing Elijah not in bed. i feel myself panic so i get up and walk out to see Leal banging histerically on Fin's door, "Wake up, Wake up, Master Fin, WAKE UP!" he bangs harder until the door flies open a pissed looking Fin stood there.

"what's going on?" i ask, walking out, Leal snaps his head to me.

"Eli, you can't do shit like that! it's just the phone!" Leal looks back to him.

"IT'S FOUR IN THE DAMN MORNING!" he screams, i'm shocked, he's normally so quiet, he never screams, Fin sighs and walks over, "wait-wait, what are you-" 

"Hello?" he asks the phone and Leal freezes up completely, his lips begin to move before he rushs past me, i look back to Fin, "oh really?" i hear a click behind me and i turn around to find Leal with a shot gun.

"Woah, what the fuck?!" i say and walk to him, i take the gun from him but then he flips a knife and get's into a position where he looks like he could take down anything with that knife, fear flat on his face.

"i'll be there in two hours!" Fin hangs up and then turns to see Leal, he sighs, "my sister gave birth!" he says and Leal drops his arm and stares at the floor, "Elijah, you shouldn't work yourself up like that!" he walks into the kitchen and comes out with a cup of water, "you'll only make yourself panic!" he says and hands me the cup, i take it without question when he pushs Leal's head back, opens his jaw and drops a tablet in his mouth, "here!" he takes the cup and poors it into Leal's mouth, he gulps but still just stands there as if he can't do anything, like that episode where he was in no state but one ready to fight has made his brain just...dead almost..or his brain is going so quickly that every drop of energy, every drop of concentration is set on just his mind and those thoughts, "Go to sleep!" he says and brushes his head back, he looks to me, "the tablet will let him go to sleep, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep for the week, he'd stay up with a gun and a knife!" he says softly and quietly, Leal stumbles a single step back, i step up to him and hold his back up, "he'll wake up tomorrow, i'm afraid not until a few hours after you go to work though, night!" he says and turns back to his room.

i look down at Leal seeing tears drop liflessly from his eyes, his arms move to his stomach as he wraps them around it, hugging himself, "it was all my fault!" he whispers, "they-they died because of me!" he mumbles tiredly. i let a breath go before i lift him into my arms and walk him back to his room, he doesn't do anything other then let me take him to bed, laying beside him and holding him closely, "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry, i'm supposed to be dead already, i've cheated death too many times, i didn't mean to, people kept stopping me, they-they kept cutting the rope, pulling me to the surface, they even kept stopping me from putting a knife through my chest, but the one time he allowed me to die and....i was cut down again, why didn't i die of blood loss, why didn't i die of hypothermia? why didn't i suffocate or die of exhaustion?" he sobs and my own tears brim my eyes, "It's not fair-" this boy has long from given up, he's far beyond it, yet, he's been forced to suffer. 

"i won't let you give up any longer, i'll stop the suffering, i'll make you happy and when we'er both old and wrinkly, when our bodies and our minds are ready for the end.....then we will let it happen, it's own way!" i whisper to him, "together!" i add and he holds onto me tighter.

"Daddy i don't think i'll be able to keep running for that long!" he whimpers, i let abreath slip.

"then i'll carry you on my shoulders, we'll reach that finish line, and we'll finish before any of our enemies catch up to us, we will win!" i say firmly.

"don't let him get you too, your too good to be taken!" he whispers, i look down and kiss the top of his head before i feel him go limp his breathing soft and smooth.

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