Elijah Callen (1)

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this book has trigger warnings!!! KNOW YOUR LIMITS!!! i will not be reminding you before every messed up scene, know your damn limits, if you know you can't take some of this stuff, don't take it.

-it's mature, as in, boy on boy, it's a gay love sooo....if your gonna be mean and nasty, then grow up and leave, there's nothing wrong with being gay.
-this is a Dominantxsubmissive story....there's gonna be sex toys and getting tied to the bed among a lot of other not sex related things......but the story is litterally called Submissive...
-the main character is suicidal and suffers with a lot of things...
-torture! the main character is tortured in this....sorry, but.......got the darken the mood and give it something to make it something other then a kinky love story.
-rape warning....yes.....i said torture, rape is one of those.
-self harm and scaring...i did say he suffers with a lot of shit.
-Violence, theirs a murderer, so theirs violence involved
-bitchy people!!!!!!!! yes, worst one here, theirs bitchy people...not many....but still, theirs dickheads, not just dicks.
-profanity, i apologise sincerely from my bad mouth and colourful vocab, i'll try to refrain.........nah, bitch, don't read if you know your not allowed, simple as that.

welcome all you people who don't mind the trigger warnings and want to read this book anyway..............

pictures i found off of google images........soo....yeah.


i stand there with the piece of paper in my hands, looking at the note that's telling me i've been evicted from my home. tears brim my eyes as my gut clenches with sorrow. i grew up in this fucking house....how can i be evicted from a house that belongs to the family and has for a very long time. i fold the piece of paper up to find a note on the back, "Happy Halloween, Callen!" my breathing picks up as my heart begins to beat with fear and panic, i've just got to wait...wait until he comes after me, it's 30th of October.....i just have to wait till the twelth of November is all and i'll finally be able to die, go to the afterlife....or even if it's just floating around in the form of a blur or a shadow in the corner....anything but this.

i crunch the paper up and shove it into my poket, looking around discreatly to try and look for the eyes that are always on me....it's like someone is tapping on your shoulder to get your attention, but when you turn around.....no one is fucking there! so i'm stood here, or walking there, or crying in some random corner with my heart, chest, mind and gut reaking with anxiety over not knowing what's to come.....or who's to go next.

i turn around, trying to look strong, trying to make myself feel strong......but how the fuck do i do that.....i have nothing. NOTHING! 

i turn down the street, pulling out my phone, searching for the next available plane ticken so i can get out of this god forsaken country, away from these fucking people who are destroying everything. i had a good job, a job i liked, it was a fun job, people would come in and ask for their a tattoo to be put on their arm or booked for an apointment.....i got paid thousands each month, i was good at my job....until i was fired. i had another job...i was a submissive at a Kink Club. i mainly worked behind the bar, but i was told i was amazing in bed... yeah... in bed. 

i let out a shakey breath, knowing i can't go back to these places that i relied on.

i open my car and get in streight away, turning it on and start driving, only slowly.....below the speed limit... i don't want to die that way. i don't want to die at all. but life is so much more scary then death... so i favourise that. 

i drive strieght to the air port, constantly looking at the reer view mirror to check if anyone's in the back of my car, or following me....i could have a tracker on my car and my phone....i'll need to get new ones. i'll throw them away before i get out of the country.

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