Part 4

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Deitys talking:°Creator plz stop playing that horrid music-°

Deitys thinking:¤Heh¤

Normal talking:"What!?"

Normal thinking:'Meh'

Creator speaking:(Whenever I do this it's usually either for a message when I'm explaining or commenting on something, when I'm scolding someone for breaking the fourth wall, or when someone accidentally mentions me and I have to respond)

                                                                                   Ink's POV

I listened as this new being's voice spoke to us.

°Sci's theories are quite correct, actually, just saying. His definitions for the balances are definitely better than my sister's, and she's the one that started the multiverse! Anyways, I shall be going now. Good luck trying to get back Error and the others from another multiverse!°

And with that, the being's presence left the room, and we all let out a sigh of relief that we didn't know we were holding in. It was quiet until Red spoke up

"So...wait....another multiverse!? There are other *flopping* multiverse's!?"

"Yo, my edgy bro. No unrad language yo!" Fresh weirdly scolded with Red glaring at him, and I shook my head as other questions rose in the air.

"What did that voice mean by 'others'?"

"Who IS the voice?"

"How come we never knew about those balances!?"

"How will we stop the multiverse from collapsing?"

Nightmare and Cross had just walked into the room to hear all those questions, and by the annoyed look on their face, they had probably heard all that had happpened.

"Alright, since no-one else probably will, I'm just going to answer all of those."

"From how the voice said it, the 'others' are probably Error's friends, if he even had any."

"The voice mentioned that they had a sister who created the multiverse. From what I know, Fate is the one who created the multiverse by laying out a platform of emptiness to create the foundation of the multiverse, and then created a child, who you know as Ink, to fill the emptiness of the multiverse with life, which you now know as AU's. If you want, I can explain the history of the multiverse later."

"You guys probably never knew about the balances because either we didn't want you to know for reasons that I'm not going to say, or that Sci only created these theories recently."

"And for the last one, have you not been listening!? We were on the other side of the door and we could still understand what Sci was saying. Well, in simpler ways, Error and Ink are the ones that control the balance between creation and destruction. If there are too many AU's, the AU's will crash into eachother and cause a chain reaction, making other AU's crash into eachother, soon reaching the OG undertale, ultimately destroying the multiverse from the inside out.

"There is another way that the multiverse is being destroyed. It's when either Ink, Error, or both of them are outside their multiverse, the multiverse registers it as one of them is dead, and then starts self-destructing because there is no way that there could be another person or thing to keep the balance in check, meaning that it can somehow disrupt the codes to much."

With that, Nightmare and Cross sat down at the table(since they had formed a truce with them for a reason I'm not going to explain bc I'm lazy) and began to think silently of ways to repair the multiverse.

The Student With 2 Kids(Fgod Error)(DISCONTINUED LADS)Where stories live. Discover now