The return of the Abyss

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Artorias began to squirm. He opened his eyes and tried to move his hands, but he couldn't. He was cuffed by a wall, with chains. But they weren't normal chains, these were to strong. He pulled just enough so he won't destroy the wall, he didn't want to rip off the wall, he was a knight, not a beast! But couldn't break free. His mind was... fuzzy. He didn't know what happened, he tried to remember what happened yesterday, but nothing would come in his mind.

Eventually memories from yesterday started flooding in. He remembered everything, and he was angry. How does that rotten fiend of a demon, even dare to trick him by using his beloved?! He was thinking on a way to escape, but he didn't notice that something grew on his left arm, it was black and gooey substance. Artorias kept mumbling about revenge on Druella, but the gooey substance kept on growing, finally snapping out of what he was doing, Artorias saw the black goo and he went pale.

'Abyss!? But how!? Didn't I die? Wasn't the curse broken!?' Artorias thought

Artorias tried to keep the Abyss at bay, but couldn't, just slow it down a little. Eventually the Abyss grew until it reached his shoulder, Artorias tried to scream but couldn't. He could not move his mouth. With enough strength he finally broke the chain binding him by the wall. Artorias felt his left arm and shoulder go numb and cold, he crawled with his right arm to his greatsword. Grabbing it, he tried to balance himself with it and succeeded.

'What am I supposed to do now?! There is no undead to kill me again, if I go mad. As much as I hate that demon, not even to her will I give the curse of the Abyss. I must get out of here.' Artorias thought, he looked outside and his eyes went wide in surprise, he was not in a human realm, he was in a Demon Realm, or maybe he was wrong, he never went into a Demon Realm before, only a detail was different from a normal Human Realm, that was the sky being purple, giving of a lust filled environment, perfect for mamonos.

But Artorias couldn't just admire the view, the Abyss was spreading on his body, luckily there was no one around here, so he made his way to a lower level of the castle, he found a nearby windows and decided to squeeze trough it. The fall wasn't that great, he got himself up on his legs and tried to find a way to escape the city, it wasn't easy, for he was at least 11 feet tall.

Somehow he managed to get out of the city, as the streets were empty, for an obvious reason. The Abyss, not stopping a little, kept on growing on  him. He walked so much he could see the green trees of the Human Realm. A little deeper in the Human Realm, Artorias sat near a tree and looked at his arm. The Abyss... was gone?!

'What in Gwyn's mighty beard is this?!' Artorias thought

Not a second later, Artorias could feel his arm again! The Abyss on his arm completely vanished.

'What is going on?! Maybe, if demonic energy from the mamono, doesn't work on me, maybe it reawakens my curse?' Artorias asked himself

'Does that mean that huge amounts of demonic energy can kill me?' Artorias thought again

Artorias thought about this for a minute, until he saw that the sun was setting down, he quickly grabbed his sword, and traveled back to Lescatia, he was quite hungry, and still had some money from a while ago.

In the Demon Realm, a dullahan is seen patrolling the cells. Her mission was to check on the most dangerous prisoner here, a knight. The dullahan didn't knew why he was that dangerous, but if her mistress says he is dangerous, he is extremely dangerous. Most of the cells were empty, as few people create problems in this town, she arrived at the cell of the knight. Darkness conquered the room. Not seeing the knight,  the dullahan entered his cell, for some reason the door was open, inside the cell was only dark. Suddenly, a tendril grabbed the dullahan by her leg, then 3 more appeared, each one grabbing a hand or leg. After being completely immobilised, the dullahan wanted to scream in fear, but a tendril covered her mouth. All the tendrils began to pull her inside a wall. Then nothing else happened, besides the room going back at its original state of low light. The darkness has vanished, for some reason, but the dullahan was never seen again.

Another guard was tasked to help the other one who went to check on the prisoner, not finding her, she decided to check the knight herself. The cell where the knight was locked inside was wide open! The chains that restrained him were on the floor! Her friend might be dead by now, killed by the knight, but she ran back at her mistress, to tell her the bad news.

Okay, 4 more chapters to go, then I will make another book with another knight of Gwyn, hope you liked this chapter!

The One that walks the AbyssOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz