His past

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Druella manged to capture the wolf knight. It was no easy task, but she succeeded. A lot of mamono came from behind the trees surounding them. Some looked at him with lust, while some with anger. They carried the knight inside a carriage. Most mamono were for keeping the knight asleep during the ride. Arriving at Druella's castle, they locked the knight in a magic enhanced prison cell, to keep him in there.

Then, an idea formed inside Druella's mind. She didn't knew much about him, and decided to read his memories. She had knew only a fraction of his memories, the part with the woman named Ciaran, but nothing more. Artorias was still sleeping, she used an extremely powerful sleep spell, it could make a hellhound sleep for a week! She used a weaker sleeping spell this time to be sure he is sleeping while she reads his memories. And so she began to read his memories.

Everything started pretty normal. He was born in a normal family, and decided to became a 'silver knight'. Druella was astonished of the beauty of city called Anor Londo. It was a marvelous city made by gold and forever sunshine. It was ruled by Lord Gwyn, the god of sunlight. Unfortunately Artorias didn't have that much knowledge about him or the other guards.

As a silver knight, Artorias trained a lot, much more than any other silver knight. He would become the best knight with a greatsword and meet a knight of Gwyn, the first one, actually, his name was Gough, Gough the giant. He was humongous, Artorias was extremely tall, but Gough surpassed him easily. He told Artorias about a legend, a sword that no one was strong enough to pull out of the stone it was stuck in. Artorias tried his luck, but failed, he tried and tried, again and again but to no avail. From the other silver knights, he heard about a legend, there was a great grey wolf in the Royal Woods, the story also said that, the one who will tame the wolf shall receive its sword. And so, Artorias traveled trough the Royal Woods, to tame the wolf, or die trying. After a huge trip, he arrived at the wolf. But instead of a gigantic wolf, he found a puppy. He didn't know if the puppy was the great wolf, but it looked hurt, and so, Artorias decided to take him home.

He took good care of the pup. After the wolf grew up, Artorias decided to name him, Sif. He didn't know why he wanted that name, but Sif seemed to like it. At a more mature age, Sif led Artorias to where the legendary sword was. Artorias was confused, he did know that he couldn't pull out the sword, so why did Sif lead him there? Sif took, in his mouth, the handle of the sword, Artorias also grabbed the handle with both of his hands and both pulled at the same time. The greatsword came out with rather ease, Artorias was surprised and happy at the same time, he jumped in the air from how much joy he had. But, someone was watching him, a new knight of Gwyn, he wore a golden armour with the head shaped like a lion. He approached Artorias, not sensed by him. Artorias turned around to meet one of the new knights of Gwyn, Ornstein the dragonslayer. Artorias hurried to salute the knight, Ornstein calmed down the silver knight and told him he has great potential to become a knight of Gwyn. Artorias took those words to the heart and trained daily, much more than any silver knight ever did. The training was so intense, that some silver knights were afraid to interfere. After training for,Gwyn knows how much, he was now a knight of Gwyn. He forged his own armor, and was blessed with a great shield, strong enough to even block lighting. But Artorias gear, wasn't for killing dragons, it was made to resist the dark of man. He made a covenant with Kaathe, the primordial serpent, so that he may enter the Abyss and attack the creatures of darkness.

Gwyn, himself has sent Artorias to do a mission, but Artorias didn't knew this was going to be his last mission. And so he left, for a city named Oolacile, to save princess Dusk, kill the father of the Abyss, Manus and free Oolacile from the darkness. But, Artorias, alongside with Sif, arrived to late. The people of Oolacile were already gone, and we're corrupted by the Abyss. Artorias had to kill everyone. Until he arrived at Manus, he fought with all he had, but was bested by Manus, with a last breath, Artorias blessed Sif with his great shield so that darkness wouldn't get to him. Sif was now safe, but Artorias was corrupted by the very thing he swore to destroy. It saddened Druella. A knight who swore to protect its people by the dark, falls right into it. His companion, Sif, was safe, at least.

Decades later, a nameless undead put the great knight down, so he may rest forever. But his sleep didn't last long, for he was transported in their world.


Hello everyone, author here, I am sorry I didn't updated in a long time, it is because I was visiting my grandparents in another city, and I didn't bring the tablet with me. Anyway, I came back and will continue my stories, bye!

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