Old memories, and old tricks

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That's what Artorias could, darkness. Nothing else, no light, no sound, just darkness. But in front of him appeared someone, his companion... Sif. Everything seemed to light up. Artorias says to Sif.

"Ah, Sif, there you are." after Artorias said that, Sif began to become dust

Artorias turned around and saw his friends, Gough, Ciaran, and his leader, Ornstein.

"All of you... forgive me... for I availed you nothing..." once again, after Artorias said that, they vanished

Artorias turned around again and saw him. The father of the Abyss, Manus. Artorias tried to run, but he couldn't move. Tried to talk, but couldn't move his mouth. Manus raised his club and prepared to kill Artorias, Artorias closed his eyes, and Manus swinged his club. But before the club could hit him, he came back to the normal world. Sweating and breathing heavily, he raised from his makeshift bed. Artorias then grabbed his great sword and went of to Lescatia for another job.

The day went normal for the wolf knight. He took a job from the inn, completed it. He decided to make short jobs, so he can make much more money. Eventually he will have enough to buy himself a house, one day, but his accustomed with sleeping outside. But something bugged him. What was that dream? Was it a warning? Or just a bad memory? Anyway, the dream must have some meaning, but he doesn't know what.

Anyway, here in Lescatia, Artorias was no different than anyone here, well beside the fact that he was huge, and ten times stronger than any human being. But after many extermination jobs (killing mamono that pose a threat to a nearby village/house/farm) , he was quite well known. He was a perfect warrior, his strength and speed made him one of the best adventurers in Lescatia in a matter of days! Of course this act hasn't been skipped by the church. Few months later, Artorias was no more a normal adventurer, his skill and abyssal powers, made him a hero! Normally, being a hero requires much training from a young age, but Artorias unnatural power made him a hero instantly, easy as that. He went on a crusade the other day and let's just say, that nobody got captured. And it was a perfect crusade! No casualties from the Order. That was rare. Druella, and even the Demon Lord herself and her husband saw Artorias as a huge treat, bigger than Wilmarina. So they made a plan, make a illusion of someone he loved and lure him out. So with a little information they got from a lich who read his mind when he was sleeping,before the incident. They got a woman that looked human, her name was... Ciaran. They would use this illusion of someone who he loved to make him go asleep then corrupt him. A cruel way to do so, but it was necessary. Druella herself would take the appearance of 'Ciaran' and make him go asleep.

And so it was time. Time to hunt down a wolf. Druella knew that the wolf knight had a small camp in a nearby forest. Druella went on to Artorias camp. Artorias was minding his own business. He was sharpening his blade. Until he saw a blue silhouette in the forest, he got up and decided to follow the blue silhouette. Ariving at a cliff he saw who the blue silhouette was, it was Ciaran! Artorias missed her and his friends a lot. He couldn't contain his happiness, and so he ran at her. She turned around and saw Artorias running at her and screamed.

"Artorias!" she said

"Ciaran!" he closed the distance between them and hugged her tightly, he was so happy. 'Ciaran' was a little upset that she needed to break this adorable moment, but he was a threat

"I missed you so much Ciaran, where are the others?"

"Others? There isn't anyone besides us."

Suddenly 'Ciaran' takes of her mask revealing Druella. Artorias looked in disbelief, but it quickly ended when she said:

"Go to sleep, dear knight~"

After she said that, Artorias felt his body become lump, and his eyelids be game heavy. And so Artorias was now asleep.

"Fufu, goodnight little knight~" Druella said

The One that walks the AbyssOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz