Chapter 18|| Group Date

Start from the beginning

"So, the theme for the day is the 1950's, so kind of like a 'Grease' type carnival?" I nod, although I have never seen Grease so I wouldn't have a clue what kind of carnival that is.

"Yeah, it's the 1950's, so um, the girls will probably look rockin' in their dresses." I look at Walt and he puts his head in his hands, so I know I'm stuffing this up. The interviewer just smirks and looks down at her notes in her lap.

"I see, well, one more question before you leave," I suddenly panic. Walt had given me a general idea of how I should answer the questions, but he didn't say anything about another question.

"I'm sure America, and myself, are wondering about your - well, we don't really know what it is, with Tessa Jones. You bought her a puppy, is that a correct? And many fans and news reporters have spotted something going on there. Care to elaborate?" She raises her eyebrows and I see Walt looking at me, expressionless.

"Uh-um, yeah, I mean, I bought Tessa a puppy because, we," I clear my throat, "had a bit of a falling out and I said a few things I regretted. I was simply reconciling, making amends. And uh, there's nothing going on between us, I mean, she has a boyfriend, she's dating Stefan."

"If she is dating someone, why is she still here on the show? Why are you keeping her here each week and sending away lovely girls that are single?" Damn, she got me there. Thank god Walt comes to my rescue.

"Uh, that's enough questions for today, thanks guys." Walt smiles and walks off, the camera men packing up their heavy equipment. The interviewer stands, walking to me as I stand up. She leans close to me, and I can smell her perfume; it's nothing like Tessa's, she smells like vanilla, this girl smells like a perfume factory.

"So, what ya say we go into your room and, do stuff." She puts her hand on my chest, smirking. God, I really want to go to my room with this girl, but I just can't.

"Uh, sorry, I have to go get ready." I leave the room pretty fast, heading to my room to get ready. My clothes for the day are already laid out, and I feel sorry for the men who had to live in the 1950's. I'm wearing a charcoal suit with those awful black polish-able shoes that I swore I would never wear. My hair stylist comes in and styles my hair, slicking it back with some gel and making me look "smart". I left Buttons in my room earlier, not really wanting to go back to Tessa's room, so I put him on a leash and go downstairs. We're setting up the carnival on our land, so I head outside to greet dad, who laughs at me upon my entry.

"Woah son, you look-"

"Why couldn't I wear something like the T-birds? I looked it up and everything, and the clothes they wore were alright. This is..just embarrassing." My dad shakes his head.

"Fine then, I'll go get the tights." I shake my head quickly, cringing at the thought of wearing tights. They didn't even wear tights... I head down to the carnival with Walt, waiting for the girls to arrive. Buttons is being a pain in the ass, so I hand him to Walt, and while we're in the midst of our argument, the girls arrive. They all look amazing, wearing the cutest dresses, but my eyes stick to Tessa.

She's wearing a blue dress with pink flowers all over it, and her hair is down in its usual lazy waves. She definitely doesn't wear as much makeup as the other girls, especially Courtney, who looks like a cake face in her red dress with black pokadots. I stare at Tessa for much longer than I should, admiring her whole body. She catches me staring and raises her eyebrows, so I smirk. I take Buttons from Walt and walk him over to Tessa, her expression brightening as soon as she sees him. I smile at Tessa, then her camera man joins us, her camera man being Stefan.


Tessa's POV

The carnival looks awesome! Seriously, awesome. There are some really cool rides, and heaps of stalls, like we're at a really carnival and we have it all to ourselves. I've never been to a carnival, but I've always wanted to go to one, so this should be fun. When we get there, I see Matt immediately, so I try to be busy talking to people and admiring the rides. I look over and see him looking at me, and after a conversation in smirks and eyebrows, he walks over with Buttons. He leaves as Stefan arrives and gets ready for the cameras to give us a small intro. I hold Stefan's hand, determined to go on at least one ride with him before the day is over. As soon as our introduction to the carnival and the day is done, we kind of all disperse, going off to do stuff. Of course, the girls mostly stick with Matt, but he insists that he will go on a rides with one or two of the girls at a time, so the others go off and have fun doing other stuff together.

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