Chapter 20|| Home

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Chapter 20, finished! Sorry guys, I've been so caught up with school work and exams this month! I should actually be doing my physics essay and studying for my french exam right now... XD

Hope you're all enjoying 2015! It's going so fast, I mean, it's already March. Thanks for sticking with me guys, I know I can be a really shit writer most of the time but I'm getting there :') I love you  guys so much for reading my story, it means a lot xo

Thankyou for the sweet PMs, I am slowly replying to them because my internet is crap at the moment, hence why it took me about an hour just to get onto Watty today! c;

Enjoy chapter 20, and I hope you're all liking the story so far.

Happy Reading xx 

~Chapter 20~

Tessa's POV

Home sweet home. I repeat in my head as I finish getting dressed for the day. Those words are now my personal mantra, a bit of a reassurance for myself. To be completely honest, California was starting to feel like my home before I left. The house. My friends. Matt. But I need to get over it. My time on Celebrity Bride is over; it’s time to move on with my life.

“Tessa, someone is here to see you!” My mum calls from downstairs. I sigh audibly. The past few days I’ve been out and about everywhere, meeting up with family members and friends after being away so long. I haven’t gone back to school yet, it’s the last week of the semester anyway so there’s no point. Everything is going pretty well, I mean, it’s great to be back home and to see mum and Ruby. Christina has been over a few times already, which is cool. I just miss the show.

“Okay, I’ll be down in a second.” I call back. Buttons scurries out of the room and downstairs to greet our visitor. I check myself in the mirror, quickly brushing through my hair and applying some mascara; a gift from Tori when I left – she told me it was her favourite brand. I walk downstairs, putting a smile on my face for whoever is downstairs with mum. I walk past mum as I descend the stairs, and she simply smiles and walks to her room. At the front door, Tyler is standing, waiting, with his hands in his faded jean pockets. I sigh, really not in the mood for any boys. My heart is still in California with Matt.

“Hey Tessie.” He says, his voice as husky and deep as I remember. He looks at me, a small smile on his face.

“Hey Tyler.” I answer back quietly, my voice failing me. I glance at my feet, suddenly feeling bad for leaving him as we were and falling in love with someone else.

“Do you wanna go out for some lunch? It’s not a date; I just wanted to see you.” He glances at Buttons by my feet, grinning.

“Yeah, sure – mum, I’m going out for a bit!” I call behind me and put on a pair of sandals before closing the door. Tyler and I walk into town, staying quiet until I glance at him and catch him staring.

“What?” I say without turning to him, smirking. He shakes his head.

“I just missed you.”

“I missed you too Tyler.” I say, smiling friendly, hoping he doesn’t take it the wrong way. The truth is, I did miss him. Do I still care for him? Yes. Do I still love him? I’m not sure. There are…complications now. We end up going into Starbucks because we as teenagers are nothing if not mainstream, and he gets me a Chai Frappuccino, an Iced Latte for himself and raspberry and white chocolate muffin for us to share. Just like old times…

“So, what was it like being on Celebrity Bride?” Tyler says as he picks a small piece off the muffin. It smells divine. I shrug my shoulders, unsure of what to tell him.

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