Chapter 22|| Very surprised

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Yes, I'm on a roll with all these chapters... (mostly because I'm procrastinating doing my assignments..)

Alright guys, big news. I've got an upcoming book that needs a book cover! And I need your help :D Just PM me if you're interested in making a cover, I'll give you all the information you need on the book and I'll see whose cover I'll use when I upload it. I've been waiting to upload this book for ages, but I just haven't found the right time and I suck at making book covers :') So yeah, PM me for that!! And if I don't use your cover, I'll probably include it in a chapter through media and I'll dedicate a chapter to you anyway xo

Does anyone know the best site to get book merch? I've been searching but I haven't found my favourite just yet!

Happy Reading! x

~Chapter 22~

Tessa's POV

I jiggle my legs impatiently as I wait for the seatbelt sign to go off. I'm sitting next to some guy in his 20's that stinks of B.O and is probably deaf because his music is up so loud in his headphones. I had to take a normal economy flight to California because it would look a bit suspicious otherwise... The ding sound on the aircraft tells me I can take off my seatbelt, and I get out of the plane as fast as possible. I keep my sunglasses on as I go past baggage claim, just in case people notice me. I'm bouncing with excitment by the time Roger meets me outside the airport, I jump into his embrace and drop my small luggage bag on the floor. He lifts me off the ground, squeezes me and lowers me back down.

"Have you grown in one week?" He grins and I grin back. We get in the BMW and start driving into the city.

"Nice car." I say, admiring the inside.

"It's David's actually. Well, Mr Peterson's." I nod slowly, looking around approvingly.

"What time is it?" I say, trying not to let my nervousness seep into my voice. Roger checks his watch quickly.

"Uh, half past 5. Do you wanna go get some maccas before going to the house?" My stomach suddenly growls, but I can't imagine eating anything.

"Nah, I'll just wait till after, I'm sure Tori will want to spend ages on my clothes anyway." I grin from ear to ear and Roger laughs. We pull up outside an apartment building and I look at Roger, confused.

"We couldn't really send you into the house to get ready, so you're getting ready here." Roger smiles and turns off the car.

"Roger," I say, before he opens his door.

"Yeah Tessa?" He turns to face me.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the house right now? I mean, you're one of the camera men."

"Um, right, about that..." I narrow my eyes at him.

"I requested that I be your camera man, so now Stefan has replaced my spot." He says quickly, cringing.

"As Sam's camera man?" I say slowly.

"Yes." Roger nods his head once. I smirk.

"Poor Stefan, Sam's probably giving him crap." Roger laughs and we get out of the car, heading to the apartment room. When I walk in, I see Tori standing in the middle of the room, setting up all sorts of makeup and hair tools on a small desk. She looks up and sees me, walking over to give me a hug.

"Oh, how I've missed you Tessa! You should see how atrocious everyone's clothes are now, I think any fashion sense you and I gave them has now vanished!" I laugh at her theatrics and we start getting me ready straight away. I have a quick shower first, just so I don't smell like that guy on the plane. Tori gets to work, dressing me in a short satin gold dress with gold high heels. I practise walking in the heels as Tori admires my dress from afar. I have to make a grand entrance on cue into the garden, so I better be able to walk in these damn shoes.

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