How You Two Argue

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Zach- Usually it's nothing too heated, but if it is, some things are said that you both don't mean. He goes for a drive to cool down, and you hide in your room regretting everything that just happened. He comes back, and you both apologize.

Jonah- You guys don't argue very often, but if you do, you cry and then he feels bad and you make up and hug it out.

Daniel- You can sometimes have a bit of a temper, and Daniel knows not to push it so he waits until you calm down to talk it out and apologize to one another.

Corbyn- You and Corbyn don't argue that often, it's just not in your nature. If, however, there's a disagreement, you both handle it like mature young adults.

Jack- Sometimes, Jack can lose his temper, and that starts a whole argument. Eventually, he gets to the point of tears because he hates arguing with you, and you calm him down and hug him telling him it's okay.


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