Chapter 2: Alpha of the Arctic Circle

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Christian spoke up, "Were any other northern packs invited?" he questioned. The room went silent. I could see his eyes darken.

"No." I responded truthfully. "This gathering is to be the start of a peaceful union of pack leaders, and we were the only northern pack that met that requirement."

The men chatted amongst themselves for a few minutes debating the pros and cons, but I could tell where this conversation was heading.

Jarrod mind linked with me, "Alpha, I think we should do this. We have spent too long hiding among the ice and wind, if we are to establish our presence as a safe haven for any wolf seeking refuge away from the violence and war of their home packs, then we need to be visible." I glanced at his eyes, sighing "I agree." I thought solemnly, Jarrod was yet to find his mate, as was I. The difference was that I gave up long ago in trying to find my match, but Jarrod was much younger than I and was still waiting with blind anticipation.

All in all, the eyes that shown before me were filled with optimism and hope. I could see the decision was already made. Going through the formal motions, I put it to a vote, it was unanimous after some hemming and hauling one the part of Quince. "Well then, I guess we're going to a party." I stated with a smirk on the corner of my lips. They erupted in cheers, I glanced at Jarrod, who was smiling as well.

Hardly two days later I was waiting at the edge of our main town as a convoy of cars approached our home. I breathed deep, Alpha Atlas was coming to visit and personally invite us to attend this gathering. I had known Atlas and his family for a long time, and if he was making the journey to our remote town, I knew that this was serious.

Orion jumped from the lead SUV, a wide smile on his face. "Luca, is that you?" He boomed, rushing up to hug me tightly. "It has been too long brother!" He clapped me on the back, "What has it been 3, 4 years?" he questioned.

"Five, I believe." I replied, meeting him with a smile of my own. Orion was a happy go lucky kind of guy who found his mate shortly after her 19th birthday, he had a loving family and a mate that adored him. He had the perfect life, I found it hard to suppress the jealousy I felt for him. Still, I honestly wished him the best, he was one of the most kind hearted and true friends I have known.

"Where is Jarrod? Where you are he's always close by..." Orion continued, scanning the edge of town with narrow eyes. I couldn't help but chuckle. Jarrod was the resident expert in stealth combat. Something that Orion could never master and has been a massive point of contention during the prank wars that dominated their time training together.

Stepping forward, Orion suddenly slipped as his left ankle was pulled violently from under him as he stepped in a rope snare. Turning to see the end of the rope being held by none other than Jarrod, who was doubled over in silent laughter watching Orion struggle to free himself while not slipping on the icy ground. Righting himself shouting, "Jarrod, I'm gonna kill you!" Orion proclaimed, leaping forward. Jarrod narrowly evading his grasp and disappearing around a building.

They both raced off as Alpha Atlas approached me. "Alpha Luca, it is so good to see you again" he smiled warmly, drawing my into a hug.

"Alpha Atlas, it has truly been too long." I responded respectfully, my smile reaching my eyes. Atlas had been there for me in my troubled youth, many years ago when my original band of arctic wolves were little more than contract killers for hire. Yes, it allowed me to see the world but it did nothing to ease the ache of loneliness deep in my core.

He showed me a different way of life, originally proposing that we lend our services to train wolf packs to protect their borders. Which is what we did for a number of seasons until we saw the need for a safe haven for refugee wolves.

"Come, let's get out of the wind and catch up." Atlas said, walking towards what he knew was the town pub. I smiled at the nostalgia of it all, "Yes, lets." I agreed. Orion and Jarrod would catch up once they were done trying to kill one another.

After several rounds of ale and much reminiscing and laughter, Orion and Jarrod had made up for lost time by prodding me about my isolation in past years. Every summer Jarrod would go on a trip with Orion and some of the guys to a different town in Greenland and North America to try to find their mates. I had stopped searching long ago, resolving that I was happier alone. It was better this way, safer this way that I not lose control to my wolf.

Atlas looked at me sincerely, "Luca, we need your pack as part of this union, your home has long been a place of safety and refuge for wolves from all nations. I want you to join with us, and together we can become stronger."

Orion stiffened up suddenly, "Luca, I'm asking you this as my friend and as the godfather of my future child" he finished smirking.

"Orion, your mate – she's expecting?" I stammered.

He nodded, smiling enthusiastically. "You were the one who trained me to be the leader that I know my father wants me to be, and my child will need me to be, so will you do it?" he asked with pleading eyes.

I sighed, "Yes, I would be happy to."

Standing, I raised my mug, "To the northern alliance!" I toasted. Orion, Atlas and Jarrod stood around me. "To the northern alliance!" Their voices rang out. There's no turning back now

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