What is wrong with me!

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-----------------------Alabamas POV--------------------
I wake up the next day sick to my stomach. I get up with a headache. I try walking to the bathroom but my legs hurt more than anything. After a while I finally made it to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and my eyes was puffy and red. I get out the bathroom and plop on my bed. I didn't move. I didn't want too.

"Alabama! We have to go!" Alaska screams from downstairs. I tried answering but my throat hurt to much. "Are you sleep?" Shes says opening the door. "Dude come on get up! Dakota doesn't want to go to school by herself."

"Illinois is there."

"That isn't the same thing." She sits on the foot of my bed. "Whats wrong dude. Come on tell your big sister."

"We are 1 minute apart first of all." I say getting up trying not to fall over. "And also I feel and look like shit."

She looks me in the eyes. "Omg. Aww poor baby!" She gets up and turns on the light. "Mom! Alabama is sick! He looks like complete shit!" She screams from the doorway.

I could hear my mom coming up the stairs. She hates it when either of us are sick. She takes it more seriously than it is. Once I had a cough and she made me stay home from school for 3 days. It was literally just a cough.

"What what what?" She comes running into the room. She looks me up and down. "What the hell Axel!"

My head was spinning and it hurt. I just flopped down on the bed.

"Alaska head to school." My mom says pushing her out the door.

"Mom! He is apart of me! I am staying. I am calling Dakota and tell her to come over with Illinois." She says heading out the door.

I couldn't yell after her so I just layed there. "We need to call the doctor." My mom runs outside the door. Again. I didn't say anything, I just let her go.

After a while Alaska, Dakota, Illinois comes running in my room. Dakota looks at me smiling. "Dakota." I say getting up. "If you brung Luca with you. I will kill you." Her smile fades and Luca comes through the door.

"Dakota! You lucky I am dying right now or I will choke you." I lay back down.

Luca laughs. "I wanted to come dipshit. I didn't want to be in class all day. Also I was a little worried for my friend." His sexy voice made me more calmer than I was. I kinda was glad he came, but I didn't want to show it.

"Thanks I guess." I sit up a little trying to get up.

"Alabama sit down!" Alaska says pushing me lightly on the bed.

"I am hungry!" Dakota looks me up and down.

"I will get something dumbass." She starts leaving the room.

"No I got it!" I try getting up. I stand up and everything started to spin. I felt like someone was talking but I couldn't hear anything. Then it went dark. I was scared. I could feel myself crying. Then I finally see some light. No I wasn't dead. It was the hospital.

"Ok. He is gonna be ok." I open my eyes and see everyone staring at me. I sit myself up and look around.

"Is everything ok?" I see Alaska hugging my mom and crying. I haven't seen her cry so much since she seen Love, Simon. "Why are you crying?"

She gets up and hugs me. Then hits the back of my head. "Don't do that shit again dumbass."

Dakota was sleeping on Illinois's shoulder. "Wake up Dakota! Hes awake!" Illinois says shaking her. They come up to me hugging me.

"Where is Luca?" I look around. I try getting up but my mom put me back into the bed.

"He went home. He said call him when you wake up so I texted him just a few seconds ago." Dakota smiles at me. I roll my eyes.

Mixed in the MiddleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ